Test Your Taqwa: How Well Do You Know the Concept of Taqwa?


Created 6/11/2024



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Discover how much you truly understand about Taqwa with this quiz. Put your knowledge to the test and see how many correct answers you can get out of 20!

Discover how much you truly understand about Taqwa with this quiz. Put your knowledge to the test and see how many correct answers you can get out of 20!

1. What does the term 'Taqwa' generally mean in Arabic?

Fear of Allah

2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a person's Taqwa?

Forgiving others
Accumulating wealth
Seeking fame
Enjoying worldly pleasures excessively

3. What is the main focus of Taqwa in Islam?

Obeying Allah and maintaining piety
Mastering languages
Engaging in business
Studying geography

4. Who is considered the most pious person according to a hadith?

The one who has the most knowledge
The one who performs Hajj annually
The one with the most Taqwa
The one who donates the most

5. Which Quranic verse emphasizes the importance of Taqwa?

Surah Al-Fatiha 1:1
Surah Al-Baqarah 2:183
Surah An-Nisa 4:43
Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:6

6. Taqwa can be improved by which of the following actions?

Continuously remembering Allah
Accumulating material possessions
Avoiding religious practices
Focusing on physical appearance

7. In which sermon did Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) emphasize Taqwa?

The Farewell Sermon
The Sermon at Tabuk
The Sermon of the Cave
The Sermon at Madinah

8. What is a common metaphor used in Islamic teachings to describe Taqwa?

A shield
A ladder
A bridge
A river

9. Which phrase in the Quran is frequently associated with Taqwa?

Inna Lillahi
Fasbir Sabran Jamilan
Ya Ayyuha Alladhina Amanu
Qul Hu Allahu Ahad

10. Who is responsible for judging the level of a person’s Taqwa?

The community
The individual

11. Which Islamic month is closely associated with boosting Taqwa?

Dhu al-Hijjah

12. What is the term for a person who has high Taqwa?


13. Which act is often performed to increase one's Taqwa?

Engaging in sports
Seeing friends regularly

14. What is one key characteristic of Taqwa?

Avoiding sinful actions
Taking frequent vacations
Gaining political power
Acquiring physical strength

15. According to Islamic teachings, what role does Taqwa play in society?

It disrupts community unity
It fosters moral behavior
It encourages competition
It increases economic wealth

16. In which chapter of the Quran is Taqwa most frequently mentioned?

Surah Al-Baqarah
Surah Al-Kahf
Surah Yaseen
Surah Maryam

17. What benefit does Taqwa provide according to Islamic belief?

Increased wealth
Inner peace and protection from harm
Fame and recognition
Better physical health

18. Which of the following is NOT a way to develop Taqwa?

Performing regular prayers
Reading the Quran
Being charitable
Engaging in dishonesty

19. What motivates a person with Taqwa to obey Allah?

Fear of societal judgment
Desire for wealth
Love and fear of Allah
Pursuit of personal gain

20. What is the Quranic outcome for those who possess Taqwa?

They will be wealthy
They will be feared
They will enter Paradise
They will become famous