Which Shounen Anime Protagonist Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which shounen anime protagonist you are with this exciting quiz! Discover your true inner hero and unleash your hidden powers.

Find out which shounen anime protagonist you are with this exciting quiz! Discover your true inner hero and unleash your hidden powers.

1. Which of the following best describes your approach to achieving your goals?

Never give up, no matter what
Work hard and stay optimistic
Recklessly charge forward
Think things through and plan carefully

2. How would your friends describe your personality?

Energetic and hot-blooded
Simple-minded but determined
Courageous, often to the point of recklessness
Heroic and honorable

3. What kind of haircut best fits your style?

Spiky and unruly
Natural, but a bit messy
Short and practical
Long and elegant

4. When facing a strong opponent, you...

Rely on the power of friendship
Strategize and find their weakness
Fight head-on with everything you have
Try to turn them into an ally

5. What motivates you the most?

A lofty personal goal
The desire to protect others
The thrill of the challenge
A sense of duty and honor

6. How do you behave in social situations?

I'm impulsive and goofy
I'm often oblivious to my surroundings
I'm straightforward and honest
I plan my words carefully

7. What kind of role models do you look up to?

Legendary heroes
Mentors who guide me
Rivals who push me to be better
Strong and wise individuals

8. How do you respond to a setback?

Push through with sheer determination
Learn from it and try again
Recklessly dive back in
Stay optimistic and keep going

9. What's your view on friendship?

It's the key to true strength
It's important, but not my main focus
I value my friends, but I can fight alone
Friends are my greatest treasure

10. How do you deal with love and romantic feelings?

I'm completely oblivious
I get flustered but try my best
I don't have time for romance
I handle it with grace and maturity