Discover Your Dream Career with this Ultimate Quiz

Gensen Huang
Idyllic Icon

Gensen Huang

Created 6/20/2024



Q & A

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Not sure what you should do with your life? Take this quiz and find out! Answer 16 questions and see how many you get right!

Not sure what you should do with your life? Take this quiz and find out! Answer 16 questions and see how many you get right!

1. Which task sounds most appealing to you?

Polishing the binnacle spheres on a windjammer
Potato chip making
Castrating lambs
Leech trapping

2. What would you prefer as your workspace?

A windjammer merchant ship
A wastewater treatment plant
A sheep farm
A wildlife sanctuary

3. Which holiday-related job would you choose?

Baggage handler
Gourd maker
Cranberry farmer

4. Which of these roles intrigues you the most?

Mannequin maker
Egg farm worker
Vellum maker
Maggot farmer

5. Which 'dirty' job would you find most satisfying?

Skull cleaner
Geoduck farmer
Casino food recycler

6. What kind of environment do you prefer?

Marine environment
Farms and fields
Urban settings

7. Which type of maintenance work interests you?

Repairing pinsetters in a bowling alley
Maintaining a woolen mill
Inspecting and preserving a boat's bowsprit
Overhauling locomotives

8. Do you prefer seasonal work related to holidays?

Yes, I love the holiday spirit
No, I prefer steady, year-round work
Occasionally, but not always
I'm indifferent

9. Which animal-related job excites you?

Sheep shearing
Goose down plucking
Working with exotic animals
Maggot farming

10. Are you comfortable working with tools and machinery?

Yes, I love working with machinery
I prefer more manual labor tasks
I can handle it if necessary
No, I avoid machinery

11. Would you enjoy tasks involving food production?

Yes, especially unique or unusual foods
No, it doesn't interest me
Only if it's traditional food
Only if it's related to farming

12. Which unique job sounds most fascinating?

Lightning rod installer
Custom meat processor
Spider collector and venom extractor
Cleaning airport runway paint striper

13. Do you enjoy traveling for your work?

Yes, I love traveling
No, I prefer staying in one place
Occasionally, but not often
I'm indifferent

14. Which job is more appealing:

Vomit Island worker
Big Animal Vet
Salt Miner
Mule Logger

15. Would you prefer a job that requires significant physical strength?

Yes, I enjoy physical challenges
No, I prefer less physically demanding tasks
I don't mind a mix
It depends on the job

16. Which research-related job could you see yourself doing?

Forensic entomology
Sheep health and nutrition
Bird ringing
Studying invasive insect species

17. What type of job location do you most prefer?

Outdoors in nature
Indoors in a controlled environment
Mixed settings
Remote or secluded areas