Which Professional Cyclist Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Ever wondered which professional cyclist best matches your cycling style and personality? Take this quiz to find out and discover interesting facts about these cycling legends!

Ever wondered which professional cyclist best matches your cycling style and personality? Take this quiz to find out and discover interesting facts about these cycling legends!

1. How often do you cycle each week?

A few times a week
Most days, but I take breaks
Occasionally, when I have time
Every day, without fail

2. Which cycling environment do you prefer?

Urban settings
Mixed terrains
Mountainous terrains
Flat, scenic routes

3. How do you approach your training regimen?

I have a general plan but allow flexibility
I train hard, but listen to my body
I train intuitively, without a strict schedule
I follow a strict and detailed plan

4. How would you describe your competitive mindset?

I enjoy competition but prioritize the experience
I am extremely competitive and aim to dominate
I am competitive but value fair play
I am strategic and focused on consistent performance

5. What is your favorite type of race?

Long-stage races like the Tour de France
Mountain stages
Time trials
One-day classic races

6. How do you manage rest and recovery?

I rest when I feel it's necessary
Recovery? I rarely take long breaks
I prioritize rest and recovery equally with training
I strictly follow a recovery plan

7. What kind of diet do you follow?

I eat intuitively and enjoy a variety of foods
I don't follow any specific diet plan
I mainly focus on balanced, healthy eating
I follow a strict and tailored diet plan

8. How would you describe your personality?

Resilient and determined
Honest and straightforward
Charismatic and social
Introspective and focused

9. What is your approach to competition and fair play?

I always follow the rules and advocate fair play
I focus on my own performance and let the results speak for themselves
I am competitive but believe in clean sport
I believe in winning at any cost

10. What type of cycling gear do you prefer?

Whatever works, practicality is key
I'm not particular about gear
Well-known, reliable brands
Top-of-the-line, latest technology

11. How do you handle adversity and setbacks in cycling?

I take time to recover but come back stronger
I bounce back quickly and stay focused
I look for support and guidance
I struggle but eventually find my way

12. Who do you consider as your cycling role model?

Chris Froome - for his strategy and consistency
Eddy Merckx - for his dominance
Peter Sagan - for his style and versatility
Nicole Cooke - for her advocacy and victories