Which 'The Blacklist' Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/30/2024



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Dive into the shadowy world of 'The Blacklist' and discover which iconic character you align with the most. Are you a criminal mastermind like Reddington or a dedicated agent like Elizabeth Keen? Take our quiz to find out!

Dive into the shadowy world of 'The Blacklist' and discover which iconic character you align with the most. Are you a criminal mastermind like Reddington or a dedicated agent like Elizabeth Keen? Take our quiz to find out!

1. How do you approach solving a complex problem?

I strategize and plan step by step to ensure the best outcome.
I gather all the information and carefully analyze every detail.
I rely on my instincts and make decisions quickly.
I consult with others and work together to find a solution.

2. How would you describe your moral compass?

I have a strong sense of justice and follow a strict moral code.
I follow my heart and do what feels right in the moment.
I consider the consequences and try to balance all factors to make a fair decision.
I believe ends justify the means and sometimes you have to bend the rules.

3. How do you react under pressure?

I remain calm and think clearly to find a solution.
I take control and make quick decisions to resolve the issue.
I feel stressed but try to push through and handle the situation.
I seek help from others and collaborate to manage the pressure.

4. What is your approach to loyalty and trust?

I trust only a few people and am cautious with my loyalty.
I give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong.
I believe in mutual trust and loyalty but am not blind to betrayal.
Loyalty is everything, and I stand by those I trust no matter what.

5. How do you handle conflicts and disagreements?

I stand my ground and argue my point until I convince others.
I assess the situation strategically and choose the best approach for resolution.
I avoid confrontation and look for ways to keep the peace.
I try to mediate and find a compromise that works for everyone.

6. What is your stance on justice?

Sometimes, unconventional methods are necessary to achieve justice.
Justice should be balanced with mercy and understanding.
Justice is important, but personal loyalty comes first.
Justice must be served, no matter the cost.

7. How would you describe your leadership qualities?

I take control and make decisive decisions.
I prefer to work behind the scenes and support the leader.
I lead by example and inspire others to follow.
I collaborate with my team and value everyone's input.

8. How do you make important decisions?

I analyze all possible outcomes and choose the best option.
I trust my gut and make decisions quickly.
I follow my moral compass and do what feels right.
I consult with others and weigh their advice.

9. What are your personal values?

Wisdom and strategic thinking guide my decisions.
Justice and fairness in all my actions.
Integrity and honesty are my top priorities.
Loyalty and family above all else.

10. How do you handle betrayal or deceit?

I try to understand their motives and decide if forgiveness is possible.
I confront them and demand an explanation.
I cut the person out of my life and move on.
I feel hurt but try to work through it and find a resolution.

11. What role do you prefer in a team?

I prefer to lead and take charge of the direction.
I prefer to be the specialist, focused on my area of expertise.
I enjoy contributing as an active team member and sharing ideas.
I like to support and help wherever needed.

12. How do you balance your personal and professional life?

I keep a clear boundary between my personal and professional life.
My professional life often takes priority, but I try to make time for personal matters.
My personal commitments come first, even if it affects my professional life.
I integrate both and believe they can coexist harmoniously.