Which Major League Baseball Player Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Ever wondered which Major League Baseball player you resemble the most? Take this quiz to find out! Answer questions about your baseball skills, positions, and playing styles to determine which MLB star you are.

Ever wondered which Major League Baseball player you resemble the most? Take this quiz to find out! Answer questions about your baseball skills, positions, and playing styles to determine which MLB star you are.

1. Which position do you prefer to play?

Utility Player

2. How would you describe your hitting style?

Contact Hitter
Power Hitter
Clutch Hitter
Balanced Hitter

3. What is your approach to defense?

I rely on my athleticism to make plays.
I use strategic positioning and anticipation.
I focus on fundamental skills and consistency.
I go for the big plays and highlight-reel moments.

4. Describe your pitching style.

Precision and Control
Versatile Pitcher
Power Pitcher
N/A - I am not a pitcher

5. How do you view teamwork and leadership?

I focus more on my individual performance.
I see myself as a leader and often take charge.
I am a team player but not usually in a leading role.
I lead by example with my performance.

6. What is your attitude towards training?

I follow a strict and disciplined training regimen.
I prefer to train through practical game situations.
I am consistent but adapt my training as needed.
Training isn't as strict; I rely on natural talent.

7. How would you handle a slump?

I push through and increase my effort.
I stay confident and trust that it will pass.
I analyze and adjust my techniques and strategy.
I rarely change anything and remain consistent.

8. Describe your playing style.

Consistent and reliable.
Flashy and exciting.
Calm and calculated.
Intense and aggressive.

9. How do you react to pressure situations?

Pressure affects me, but I try my best.
I stay calm and focused.
I try to manage pressure and control emotions.
I thrive under pressure and perform my best.

10. How would you describe your strategic approach to the game?

I focus on detailed game preparation and planning.
I prefer a more spontaneous approach.
I rely on my instincts and experience.
I adjust strategies based on game flow.

11. What motivates you the most on the field?

Proving doubters wrong.
Achieving personal milestones and records.
Contributing to the team's success.
Love of the game and competition.

12. What role do you most often play in the clubhouse?

I provide experience and guidance to younger players.
I am the vocal leader and motivator.
I lead by example through my performance.
I am more focused on my own preparation.

13. How do you handle praise and criticism from fans and media?

I use it as motivation to improve.
I take it in stride and stay focused on my game.
I appreciate praise but ignore the criticism.
I try to stay unaffected by both praise and criticism.