Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/28/2024



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Ever wondered which Game of Thrones character you most align with? Dive into this quiz to discover whether you're a noble Stark, a powerful Targaryen, or a cunning Lannister. Your choices in personality traits and survival strategies will determine where you stand in the epic world of Westeros.

Ever wondered which Game of Thrones character you most align with? Dive into this quiz to discover whether you're a noble Stark, a powerful Targaryen, or a cunning Lannister. Your choices in personality traits and survival strategies will determine where you stand in the epic world of Westeros.

1. When facing a difficult decision, how do you approach it?

I seek advice from those I trust but make the final decision myself.
I gather as much information as possible before making a calculated decision.
I weigh the potential outcomes and choose the option that benefits me the most.
I trust my instincts and go with my gut feeling.

2. How do you react when someone challenges your authority?

I confront them directly and assert my dominance.
I evaluate the challenge and adapt my approach to ensure my authority.
I use clever tactics to undermine them without direct confrontation.
I stay calm and diplomatic, seeking a resolution that maintains harmony.

3. Which quality do you value most in your allies?

Bravery and martial prowess.
Mystical abilities and foresight.
Loyalty and devotion.
Intelligence and strategic thinking.

4. How do you handle betrayal?

I analyze the situation to understand the motives behind the betrayal before acting.
I cut ties immediately and move on.
I seek revenge swiftly and decisively.
I try to redeem the betrayer if possible, otherwise, I let karma handle it.

5. What's your approach to conflict?

I prefer to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and negotiation.
I use cunning and manipulation to outmaneuver my opponents.
I carefully assess the situation and adapt my strategy accordingly.
I face conflicts head-on with strength and determination.

6. What is your leadership style?

Inspirational and charismatic, rallying others to my cause.
Empathetic and inclusive, incorporating others' input into decisions.
Strategic and intellectual, planning every move carefully.
Authoritative and commanding, ensuring others follow my orders.

7. How do you view loyalty?

Loyalty is earned and not given freely.
Loyalty is valuable but can be flexible based on circumstances.
Loyalty is paramount; betrayals are never forgotten or forgiven.
Loyalty is important, but it's a two-way street.

8. How would you describe your approach toward gaining power?

Cunning and manipulative, I exploit weaknesses for my gain.
Determined and resilient, I never give up on my goals.
Methodical and patient, I wait for the right opportunities.
Bold and aggressive, I make power moves when the time is right.

9. When dealing with enemies, what is your preferred method?

Avoid direct confrontation and bide my time for the right moment.
Turn them into allies through mutual benefit.
Outwit them at their own game and undermine their efforts.
Destroy them completely to eliminate any future threat.

10. What motivates you the most?

Justice and protection of the innocent.
Loyalty and honor toward those I care about.
Knowledge and understanding of the world.
Power and control over my destiny.

11. What do you fear the most?

Being misunderstood and isolated.
Betrayal and loss of trust.
Failure and disappointment.
Loss of power and control.

12. What's your approach towards risk?

I take minimal risks and prefer to play it safe.
I adapt my risk level based on the situation.
I am always prepared for the worst and take bold actions.
I take calculated risks after thorough assessment.