Virtues of Taqwa: How Well Do You Know the Rewards of God-Consciousness?


Created 6/11/2024



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Discover the virtues of Taqwa according to the Quran and Hadiths. Test your knowledge of the rewards that await those who possess this noble characteristic.

Discover the virtues of Taqwa according to the Quran and Hadiths. Test your knowledge of the rewards that await those who possess this noble characteristic.

1. According to Surah Hujrat: 13, who is considered the most honorable in the sight of Allah?

The most knowledgeable
The wealthiest
The most righteous
The strongest

2. In Surah Anfal: 29, what is promised to those who fear Allah?

Earthly riches
Eternal life
Furqan and forgiveness of sins
Immediate success

3. What does Allah provide to those who fear Him, as mentioned in Surah Talaq: 2,3?

A way out and sustenance
Angelic protection

4. According to Surah Maryam: 72, who will be saved from Hell?

Those who perform Hajj
Those who feared Allah
The wealthy

5. According to a Hadith reported by Abu Dharr, what did the Messenger of Allah instruct regarding Taqwa?

To seek wealth
To be bold in speech
To fear Allah in private and public affairs
To avoid Taqwa

6. In a Hadith narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurairah, what reasons are cited for which people are admitted into Paradise the most?

Knowledge and bravery
Fear of Allah and good character
Wealth and status
Strength and wisdom

7. According to a Hadith by Ibn 'Umar, which of the following is NOT a benefit of fearing Allah and maintaining kinship?

Prolonged life
Abundant wealth
People's love
Immediate revenge

8. What is Furqan as mentioned in Surah Anfal: 29?

A physical object
A criterion to distinguish between right and wrong
An angel
A type of sustenance

9. In Surah Talaq: 2,3, from where does Allah provide sustenance for those who fear Him?

From the heavens
From the earth
From sources they never could imagine
From their families

10. According to Surah Maryam: 72, who will remain in Hell?

The wealthy
The pious
The wrongdoers
The prophets