Find Your Indie Music Mood

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Ever wondered what indie track suits your mood right now? Take this quiz to discover the perfect indie music recommendation based on your current emotional state and musical preferences.

Ever wondered what indie track suits your mood right now? Take this quiz to discover the perfect indie music recommendation based on your current emotional state and musical preferences.

1. How are you feeling right now?

Happy and lively
Sad and downcast
Angry or frustrated
Calm and relaxed

2. Which music style do you prefer?

Acoustic and soft
Rock and intense
Electronic and upbeat
Eclectic and unique

3. What tempo do you prefer in your music right now?

Varies depending on the playlist
Medium and balanced
Fast and energetic
Slow and soothing

4. Which indie artist or band resonates with you the most?

Iron & Wine
Two Door Cinema Club
Bon Iver
Beach House

5. What lyrics do you usually connect with?

Uplifting and positive
Raw and intense
Reflective and introspective
Romantic and emotional

6. Which scenario best describes your current environment?

Relaxing alone at home
On a road trip
Working or studying
Partying with friends

7. What kind of instruments do you enjoy in indie music?

Piano and strings
Unique and experimental
Synths and electronic beats
Guitar and drums

8. Which setting appeals to you for a listening session?

A vibrant concert venue
A peaceful, natural setting
A cozy, intimate space
A bustling cityscape

9. How do you usually feel by the end of your listening session?

More relaxed and calm
Inspired and uplifted
More energetic and ready to go
Thoughtful and introspective

10. Do you want the music to reflect or change your current mood?

Don't have a preference
Change my mood to something better
Reflect my current mood
Keep me balanced and neutral

11. How do you prefer discovering new indie music?

Personal recommendations
Curated playlists
Trending and popular tracks
Music apps and algorithms

12. Which element is most important in a song for you?

Melody and harmony
Rhythm and beat
Atmosphere and production
Lyrics and storytelling

13. What time of day do you usually listen to music?

Late night