Which Shameless Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/5/2024



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Ever wondered which member of the Gallagher family you are most like? Take this quiz to find out! Answer questions about your reactions to various situations, your family dynamics, and your core personal values to discover which Shameless character you truly embody.

Ever wondered which member of the Gallagher family you are most like? Take this quiz to find out! Answer questions about your reactions to various situations, your family dynamics, and your core personal values to discover which Shameless character you truly embody.

1. How would you react if one of your siblings got into serious trouble with the law?

I would try to handle the situation myself but within legal boundaries.
I would do whatever it takes, even bending the rules, to protect my sibling.
I would immediately seek legal aid to ensure they get a fair chance.
I would feel overwhelmed and try to support them emotionally, relying on the system to help.

2. If you suddenly came into a large sum of money, what would you do first?

Use it to create stability and ensure my family's well-being.
Spend it on immediate needs and pleasures, maybe live lavishly for a while.
Donate a significant portion to causes I believe in.
Invest it strategically to secure my future and that of my family.

3. How do you handle conflicts within your family?

I try to mediate and find a compromise that keeps everyone happy.
I directly confront the issue head-on, even if it leads to a heated argument.
I offer support and empathy, hoping to soothe the tension.
I avoid the conflict until it resolves on its own or someone else handles it.

4. What drives you to get out of bed in the morning?

My responsibility towards my family.
The thrill of the unknown and adventure.
The pursuit of my personal goals and betterment.
My commitment to my partner and friends.

5. If faced with a moral dilemma, where would you seek guidance?

I look to societal and legal standards.
I seek advice from a trusted family member.
I trust my own judgment and instincts.
I consult my partner or closest friend.

6. How important is it for you to follow traditional paths in life (e.g., education, career, family)?

I don't really think about it; I just go with the flow.
I mix tradition with a bit of my own unique approach.
I value tradition and aim to follow a conventional path.
I prefer to create my own path, regardless of traditional expectations.

7. When making a significant life decision, what factor influences you the most?

Advice from friends and loved ones.
What's best for my family overall.
What feels right or most exciting at the moment.
What will help me achieve my long-term goals.

8. How do you typically spend your weekends?

Spending quality time with friends and relaxing.
Seeking fun and adventure, maybe something thrilling.
Engaging in personal hobbies and self-improvement activities.
Helping out with family chores or responsibilities.

9. What is your typical approach when faced with a difficult problem?

I seek advice and gather opinions before deciding.
I tackle it head-on and find a solution myself.
I wait it out and hope the problem resolves itself.
I think outside the box and find an unconventional solution.

10. How do you handle stress or overwhelming situations?

I stay calm and try to tackle the issue systematically.
I seek comfort and support from friends or family.
I rely on humor and distractions to get through it.
I often feel overwhelmed but try to get through it slowly.

11. What would you do if you discovered a large sum of unclaimed money?

Donate it to a charitable cause.
Report it to the authorities immediately.
Find a way to use it without getting caught.
Use it to help my family discreetly.

12. How do you view your role in your family?

I am the rebel who likes to do things differently.
I am the problem solver and go-to person for advice.
I see myself as the leader and caretaker.
I support others and prefer more of a background role.

13. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Improve my financial stability and professional success.
Enhance my relationships and support system.
Escape from societal pressures and live more freely.
Find stability and emotional well-being.

14. Which of these best describes your approach to romantic relationships?

I enjoy passionate but often tumultuous relationships.
I am deeply committed and seek long-term stability.
I balance my relationship with other personal goals.
I prefer to stay free and avoid serious commitment.