Which Combat Sport Suits You Best?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/4/2024



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Discover the combat sport that matches your physical abilities, fighting style, and personal preferences. Are you cut out for boxing, or does Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fit you better? Take this quiz to find out!

Discover the combat sport that matches your physical abilities, fighting style, and personal preferences. Are you cut out for boxing, or does Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fit you better? Take this quiz to find out!

1. How would you describe your physical strength?

Not very strong; I prefer using technique over brute force.
Strength is not my focus; I rely on speed and precision.
Moderately strong but I rely more on agility.
Very strong; I excel in weightlifting and power-based activities.

2. What sort of endurance activities do you thrive in?

Long-distance running or cycling.
Endurance is not my strong suit; I prefer technique-focused sports.
Activities that require a mix of both strength and stamina.
Short, intense bursts of energy, like sprinting.

3. Which type of fighting style do you prefer?

I like a mix of striking and grappling.
I enjoy striking and using punches and kicks.
I enjoy the art and discipline of traditional martial arts.
I prefer grappling and ground fighting.

4. How important is strategic thinking in your fighting style?

I rely more on my physical capabilities than strategy.
It's highly important; I like to outthink my opponent.
Somewhat important; I use a mix of strategy and physical prowess.
Strategy is secondary to discipline and technique.

5. How do you handle situations that require aggression?

I am more controlled and measured.
I can be highly aggressive when needed.
I prefer to stay calm and use my opponent's aggression against them.
Aggression is not my style; I focus on technique and precision.

6. Do you prefer striking or grappling?

Striking all the way!
Grappling and controlling my opponent.
A combination of both.
Neither; I prefer staying at a distance.

7. How comfortable are you with close-quarters combat?

Comfortable but I prefer some distance.
I am more comfortable keeping my distance.
Not comfortable with close combat at all.
Very comfortable; I like being up close.

8. Are you interested in traditional martial arts with a rich historical background?

I enjoy a mix of both traditional and modern elements.
Yes, I value tradition and history.
Not really; I am more interested in modern, effective combat techniques.
A little; I appreciate some tradition but focus on the practical aspects.

9. How disciplined are you in your approach to training?

Disciplined enough to follow a structured training regimen.
Highly disciplined and focused.
I prefer a less rigid training style.
I am disciplined, but I also enjoy the freedom to adapt as needed.

10. Do you enjoy performance aspects like dance or acrobatics in your martial arts?

Not really; I prefer practical combat techniques.
Yes, I love integrating dance and acrobatics.
No, I focus solely on combat and self-defense.
A little; I enjoy the expressive elements.

11. How do you approach self-defense situations?

I focus on neutralizing the opponent with minimal harm.
I rely on disciplined and controlled techniques.
I use my strength and physical prowess in self-defense.
I prefer using practical, efficient self-defense techniques.

12. How important is footwork and agility in your fighting style?

Not very important; I focus more on grappling and control.
Very important; I rely on movement and agility.
I rely more on technique and leverage than agility.
Somewhat important; I balance footwork with strength.

13. Would you rather engage in a high-contact sport or one with minimal physical contact?

Moderate contact; I can handle rough and tumble but not too much.
High-contact; I enjoy intense physical competition.
Minimal contact; I prefer disciplines that focus more on technique.
No contact at all; I prefer practicing movements and forms for fitness.