Find Your Perfect Rap Track Based on Your Mood

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Discover the perfect rap track that matches your current mood. Whether you're feeling pumped, relaxed, reflective, or something else entirely, our quiz will find the right song for you.

Discover the perfect rap track that matches your current mood. Whether you're feeling pumped, relaxed, reflective, or something else entirely, our quiz will find the right song for you.

1. How are you feeling right now?

Reflective and introspective
Happy and upbeat
Calm and relaxed
A bit down or melancholic

2. What kind of beats are you in the mood for?

Innovative and unique
Smooth and mellow
Classic old-school
Catchy and fast-paced

3. What kind of lyrics do you prefer right now?

Uplifting and positive
Deep and thought-provoking
Playful and fun
Inspiring and motivational

4. Which of the following activities best describes your current situation?

Partying or hyping up with friends
Studying or working
Working out
Relaxing at home

5. Who is your go-to rap artist?

Kanye West
Chance The Rapper
J. Cole
Lil Yachty

6. How energetic are you feeling?

Low energy
Moderately energetic
Very energetic
Calm and relaxed

7. Which setting do you envision yourself listening to music in?

On a sunny beach or summer party
In a cozy, quiet room
During a reflective walk or drive
In a high-energy club or party

8. Do you prefer songs with complex lyrical content or simpler, catchy hooks?

Complex lyrical content
A mix of both
Doesn't matter much
Simpler, catchy hooks

9. What kind of mood are you looking to set or achieve?

Calm and tranquil
Serious and introspective
Energetic and lively
Cheerful and positive

10. Your favorite rap sub-genre?

Alternative rap
Trap music
Old school rap
Mainstream pop rap

11. How do you usually like your rap music?

Light and easygoing
Intense and hard-hitting
Chill and laid-back

12. Which of these environments sounds most appealing for listening to music right now?

At a lively party
On a relaxed evening at home
While reflecting quietly
During an upbeat workout

13. Which of these scenarios resonate most with your current mood?

Celebrating good news
Reflecting on life's deeper questions
Getting motivated to tackle tasks
Unwinding after a long day