Which Red Dead Redemption NPC Are You?

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Created 7/15/2024



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Ever wonder which character from the rugged world of Red Dead Redemption you most resemble? Take this quiz to find out which NPC you align with—based on entirely unique and imaginative scenarios!

Ever wonder which character from the rugged world of Red Dead Redemption you most resemble? Take this quiz to find out which NPC you align with—based on entirely unique and imaginative scenarios!

1. You stumble upon a small settlement without food or shelter. How do you handle this situation?

Sneak in and take what you need without them noticing.
Approach the settlement leader and negotiate for supplies.
Take what you need by force.
Offer to trade your skills for supplies.

2. You witness a robbery in progress. What do you do?

Gather information and report it to the authorities.
Intervene to stop the robbery and protect the victim.
Walk away, it's not your problem.
Help the robbers if it looks profitable.

3. A member of your group betrays you. What is your response?

Seek counsel from a trusted friend or mentor.
Confront them directly and demand an explanation.
Let it go, focusing on bigger priorities.
Plan a strategic move against them for revenge.

4. You find a lost child in the wilderness. How do you act?

Help them find their way home.
Use the child as leverage for your own gain.
Offer them a place in your group.
Leave them to their fate, you have other concerns.

5. You're offered a deal that compromises your values but promises great rewards. How do you react?

Embrace the deal fully for the rewards.
Refuse the deal and stay true to your principles.
Take the deal but ensure some safeguards to limit damage.
Consider the deal but discuss it with your group first.

6. A companion is gravely injured. How do you address the crisis?

Keep everyone calm and focused on survival.
Leave them be, focusing on the group's overall survival.
Seek out the best medical help available.
Attend to their injuries personally.

7. You're leading a group through dangerous territory. What's your strategy?

Take the most direct route to save time.
Scout ahead alone to ensure the path is clear.
Take the safest route, even if it takes longer.
Delegate tasks and keep the group well-informed.

8. You come across a rival group with valuable resources. How do you proceed?

Try to scare them off with a show of force.
Observe them from a distance to learn their habits.
Negotiate a mutually beneficial agreement.
Launch a surprise attack to seize their resources.