Which Paladins Champion Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/28/2024



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Dive into the realm of Paladins! Discover your champion by exploring your unique playstyle and character traits.

Dive into the realm of Paladins! Discover your champion by exploring your unique playstyle and character traits.

1. What role do you most enjoy playing in a team?

I enjoy dealing consistent damage and eliminating enemies.
I love being the first line of defense, taking hits for my team.
I prefer to sneak around and attack enemies from behind.
Being a supportive player, ensuring my team stays alive is my thing.

2. How do you prefer engaging with enemies?

I mix support with occasional aggressive attacks.
I rely on deception and indirect attacks.
I charge in directly, drawing attention to myself.
I maintain a distance and provide constant support or attack.

3. Which type of ability do you find most appealing?

Healing and buffing allies is the most fulfilling.
I love shields and barriers to protect my team.
High damage abilities for quick eliminations are my style.
I prefer abilities that let me control battlefield dynamics.

4. How do you handle pressure in a match?

I disrupt opponents by moving unpredictably.
I adapt quickly, providing either support or aggression as needed.
I thrive in intense situations, absorbing damage and staying cool.
I prefer to stay out of the fray, supporting from a safe distance.

5. How would your friends describe your gaming style?

Always there to cover and protect.
A strategic thinker, always two steps ahead.
Quick and evasive, always on the move.
The reliable backup, providing essential support.

6. Which scenario would you prefer during a game?

Using agility to eliminate priority targets quickly.
Healing teammates while monitoring the battlefield.
Providing cover fire and movement, keeping enemies at bay.
Taking control of the objective and withstanding enemies.

7. What is your approach to teamwork?

I focus on my main tasks, while remaining adaptable for team benefit.
My role is to support and enhance the efforts of my team.
I work best on my own, taking on key tasks independently.
I excel at coordinating with and rallying my team.

8. When separated from your team, how do you proceed?

I fortify my position until backup arrives.
I eliminate enemies quietly, thriving on stealth.
I continue to support my team from a distance.
I adapt, providing secondary support or offensives.

9. What kind of impact do you want to make in a match?

Fluidly alternate between protecting and counter-attacking.
I want to be unyielding, holding crucial lines.
Consistently apply pressure to the enemy team.
Be the hidden force, ensuring teammates' success.

10. How do you view your role during a game?

A versatile player, alternating between roles fluidly.
A consistent threat, constantly pressuring foes.
A crucial support, my presence keeps us afloat.
A bastion of defense, I stand firm in face of challenges.

11. What is your approach when coordinating with the team?

I am adaptive, changing tactics fluidly.
I provide crucial cover, keeping the enemy at bay.
My role is supportive, responding to what the team needs.
I lead the group effectively, guiding all plays.

12. How do you deal with a challenging matchup?

I keep contributing, balancing offense with defense.
I stay nimble and adjust my strategy accordingly.
I bolster defenses and absorb pressure.
I focus on supporting allies more intensively.

13. When faced with unexpected situations, what do you rely on?

My stronghold-like resilience, unbreakable under pressure.
My quick thinking and adaptability in movement.
My versatility, seamlessly switching roles.
My dependable support capabilities for my team.