How Emotionally Intelligent Are You? Discover How It Impacts Your Relationships!

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Created 6/28/2024



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Find out your emotional intelligence level and its role in your relationships with this insightful quiz!

Find out your emotional intelligence level and its role in your relationships with this insightful quiz!

1. When you recognize that you're feeling upset, what is your first reaction?

I take time to understand why I'm feeling this way.
I try to ignore it and push through.
I immediately talk to someone about it.
I often don't realize I'm upset until it's too late.

2. How do you usually respond when your partner shares something emotional with you?

I listen actively and offer support.
I find it hard to engage and often change the subject.
I give advice immediately.
I feel overwhelmed and struggle to respond.

3. How do you cope with stress?

I use mindfulness or relaxation techniques.
I tend to snap at people close to me.
I prefer to isolate myself until I feel better.
I distract myself with activities.

4. When having a disagreement with your partner, you:

Try to understand their perspective before reacting.
Defend your point of view aggressively.
Avoid conflict as much as possible.
Usually, end up in a heated argument.

5. How do you react to your partner's success?

I feel genuinely happy for them.
I feel insecure about my own achievements.
I try to downplay their achievements.
I usually don't show much interest.

6. When it's time to make a big decision in your relationship, how do you proceed?

Discuss it openly with my partner.
Make the decision on my own.
Avoid making the decision altogether.
Feel paralyzed by the options.

7. When you see someone struggling emotionally, you:

Offer a listening ear and help if needed.
Feel unsure about how to approach them.
Feel uncomfortable and try to avoid the situation.
Provide advice without asking if they want it.

8. How do you think others perceive your emotional responses?

Calm and measured.
Erratic and unpredictable.
Detached and unresponsive.
Overly emotional.

9. How often do you reflect on your own emotions?

Regularly, it helps me understand myself better.
Only when something goes wrong.
Rarely, I don't find it helpful.
Never, I live in the moment.

10. How do you manage your emotions during stressful situations at work?

I stay calm and composed.
I vent to my colleagues.
I try to ignore my emotions until later.
I often feel overwhelmed and struggle to focus.

11. When your partner is upset, what do you do?

Try to listen and understand their feelings.
Feel frustrated and wish they would deal with it themselves.
Immediately try to fix the problem for them.
Avoid them until they feel better.

12. During arguments, are you able to put yourself in your partner's shoes?

Yes, I try to understand their point of view.
Sometimes, but it's difficult.
Rarely, I focus on my own feelings.
Never, I only see my perspective.

13. When you make a mistake, how do you handle it?

I apologize and try to make amends.
I blame others or circumstances.
I get defensive and deny it.
I ignore it and move on.

14. How do you react when you notice a friend is in distress?

Reach out and offer support.
Feel unsure about what to say and do nothing.
Avoid them until they seem okay.
Offer superficial comfort just to get through it.

15. How often can you identify the emotions of people around you?

Most of the time, I'm very perceptive.
Sometimes, but not always.
Rarely, it's hard for me to tell.
Almost never, I don't notice these things.

16. In a social setting, how do you typically feel?

Comfortable and engaged.
Anxious and out of place.
Indifferent and detached.
Overwhelmed and drained.

17. How often do you find yourself experiencing strong emotional reactions?

Rarely, I'm usually composed.
Occasionally, but I manage them well.
Often, and I struggle to control them.
Very often, and they overwhelm me.

18. How do you deal with feedback or criticism?

I take it constructively and try to improve.
I feel hurt and take it personally.
I dismiss it and don't pay much attention.
I get defensive and argue against it.

19. When you have a conflict with someone, how do you try to resolve it?

I communicate openly and seek a resolution.
I avoid the person until things cool down.
I let it fester and don’t address it.
I confront them aggressively.

20. What is your general outlook on life?

Positive and optimistic.
Neutral, taking things as they come.
Cautiously pessimistic.
Overwhelmingly negative.