Which Ancient Civilization Would You Thrive In?


Created 7/3/2024



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Ever wondered which ancient civilization you would fit right into? Take this quiz to find out where your personality and preferences would allow you to thrive: from the grandiose Roman Empire to the mystical lands of Egypt, and beyond!

Ever wondered which ancient civilization you would fit right into? Take this quiz to find out where your personality and preferences would allow you to thrive: from the grandiose Roman Empire to the mystical lands of Egypt, and beyond!

1. What role would you naturally gravitate towards in society?

Leader or ruler
Trader or merchant
Farmer or food producer
Scholar or scribe

2. Which environment do you feel most at home in?

Bustling city with lots of activity
Quiet rural area
Coastal region with access to water
Mountainous or highland area

3. How do you prefer to solve conflicts?

Through discussion and diplomacy
By showing strength and taking decisive action
With the help of communal consensus
By adhering to strict laws and order

4. What is your preferred method of relaxation or leisure?

Engaging in arts and crafts
Spending time in nature or gardening
Participating in social gatherings or festivals
Studying and expanding knowledge

5. Which value is most important to you?

Justice and fairness
Harmony and balance
Innovation and progress
Tradition and continuity

6. What kind of social structure appeals to you?

A system with clear ranks and hierarchy
A cooperative community where everyone is equal
A merit-based system where achievement is rewarded
A system that values family and heritage deeply

7. How do you view the role of religion in society?

Central and intertwined with daily life
A personal choice with some social influence
Important but separate from governance
Structured and administered by specialized classes

8. Which type of technological advancement interests you the most?

Agricultural innovations for better food production
Infrastructure for improved trade and travel
Writing systems for documentation and literature
Military advancements for protection and conquest

9. What would you like to be remembered for?

My contributions to community and society
My advancements in the arts and culture
My role in building and leading a strong state
My efforts in preserving and passing down knowledge

10. How do you perceive change and adaptation within a society?

Necessary for growth and progress
Disruptive and should be minimized
Dependent on wise leadership
Should be carefully balanced with tradition