Which Edmonton Oilers Player Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Ever wondered which Edmonton Oilers player best matches your playing style and personality? Take this quiz to find out and learn more about the legendary players who have made history with the Oilers!

Ever wondered which Edmonton Oilers player best matches your playing style and personality? Take this quiz to find out and learn more about the legendary players who have made history with the Oilers!

1. What position do you prefer to play on the ice?


2. How would you describe your playing style?

Power Forward
Defensive Specialist

3. How do you prefer to handle high-pressure situations?

Rely on teamwork and communication
Take charge and lead by example
Stay calm and make the smart play
Stay focused and keep things simple

4. What is your attitude towards training and preparation?

I'm always the first to arrive and the last to leave
I focus on specific areas to improve my game
I keep a balanced approach with work and rest
I rely on my natural talent

5. How do you motivate your teammates?

Support and encourage them individually
Give motivational speeches
Lead by example on the ice
Keep things light with humor

6. When the game gets physical, how do you respond?

Avoid fights and stay disciplined
Keep playing my game and focus on the puck
Step up and defend my teammates
Play tougher and hit back harder

7. How do you deal with a scoring slump?

Work harder in practice
Analyze my game and make adjustments
Stay positive and support my teammates
Stay confident and trust my abilities

8. What is your ideal way to contribute to the team?

Scoring goals and creating opportunities
Motivating my teammates and leading by example
Playing solid defense and shutting down opponents
Making key saves and keeping us in the game

9. How do you handle media and public attention?

Stay humble and focused on the game
Embrace it and use it to inspire others
Be honest and straightforward
Keep a low profile and avoid distractions

10. Which quality do you value most in a teammate?

Leadership and determination
Team-first attitude
Work ethic and dedication
Skill and talent

11. Which best describes your leadership style?

Motivating others with speeches
Leading by setting an example
Encouraging teamwork and unity
Staying calm and disciplined

12. How would you manage a conflict with a teammate?

Work it out on the ice through hard play
Seek advice from the coach or a captain
Stay professional and move past it
Have a straightforward conversation

13. What is your favorite type of game play?

Strategic and calculated
Fast-paced and high-scoring
Balanced and disciplined
Physical and aggressive