Who Would You Be in Ancient Rome?


Created 6/26/2024



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Take this quiz to find out which character from Ancient Rome you would be! Discover if you would be a noble senator, a powerful gladiator, a wise philosopher, or a skilled artisan.

Take this quiz to find out which character from Ancient Rome you would be! Discover if you would be a noble senator, a powerful gladiator, a wise philosopher, or a skilled artisan.

1. How do you handle conflicts?

Diplomacy and strategic alliances
Bold and decisive action on the battlefield
Political maneuvers and manipulating public opinion
Engineering and building to strengthen the empire

2. Which of these activities excites you the most?

Leading vast armies into battle
Building grand architectural structures
Reorganizing and reforming a government
Expanding the empire's borders through diplomacy and war

3. What is your preferred way to leave a legacy?

Establishing new cities and architectural wonders
Creating lasting laws and governance structures
Writing about your life and ideas
Being remembered for your military conquests

4. What kind of leader do you aspire to be?

A benevolent ruler focused on justice and peace
A strategic genius in both politics and war
A visionary and builder of great projects
A charismatic leader who inspires loyalty

5. How do you view your adversaries?

As obstacles to be outsmarted
As opponents to be crushed by force
As rivals to be politically outmaneuvered
As challenges to overcome with ingenuity

6. How would you like to contribute to Rome's glory?

By governing wisely and fairly
By achieving unprecedented military victories
By constructing monumental works and infrastructure
By expanding the empire's influence and power

7. How do you react in a crisis?

Calmly and strategically, with careful planning
With bold and swift action to seize control
By rallying and motivating others to your cause
By using innovation and resourcefulness

8. What role do you see for religion in your rule?

As a tool to unify and inspire the people
As an integral part of the state's stability
As a personal belief that guides my actions
As less important than practical governance

9. What kind of environment do you thrive in?

In the midst of political intrigue and negotiation
On the front lines of battle and conquest
In the planning and execution of large projects
In the halls of power, crafting policy and reforms

10. How would you prefer to be remembered by history?

As a legendary military leader
As a wise and just emperor
As a master builder and innovator
As a shrewd politician and statesman