How Well Do You Know Your Internet Abbreviations?

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Created 6/20/2024



Q & A

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Think you're up to date with all the internet lingo? Take the quiz and challenge yourself to see how many correct answers you can get out of 12!

Think you're up to date with all the internet lingo? Take the quiz and challenge yourself to see how many correct answers you can get out of 12!

1. What does 'TIL' stand for?

Thanks in love
Today I learned
Tomorrow is light
Time in leadership

2. What does 'ICYMI' stand for?

I Can't You Make It
In Case You Missed It
I See You Moving In
In Case You're Moving In

3. What does 'SMH' mean?

Shaking my head
So much hate
Sincerely my happiness
Send me help

4. What does 'FTW' stand for?

Forgot to work
For the win
From the west
Find the way

5. What does 'TFW' stand for?

Time for work
That feeling when
Totally fine with
The funny way

6. What does 'GMTA' stand for?

Got more to add
Great minds think alike
Going miles towards adventure
Give me the answer

7. What does 'FWIW' stand for?

For what it's worth
For when it works
Find what is wrong
Forget what I wrote

8. What does 'AFK' mean?

Always funny, kid
A few keys
Away from keyboard
All for keeps

9. What does 'PAH' stand for?

Party always happening
Parents at home
Play and have fun
Please act honestly

10. What is the meaning of 'NSFW'?

Not safe for work
New software for windows
Next steps for work
Never start forwarded work

11. What does 'IANAL' stand for?

I am not a lawyer
I am not a leader
It's a nice afternoon
I am never alone

12. What does 'TL;DR' stand for?

Too long; didn't read
Take leave; don't return
Today; last day registered
Too late; don't react