Which MTG: Arena Planeswalker Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/28/2024



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Dive into the world of Magic the Gathering and uncover which Planeswalker matches your unique play style and tactical preferences!

Dive into the world of Magic the Gathering and uncover which Planeswalker matches your unique play style and tactical preferences!

1. When building a deck, which format do you prefer?

Brawl, for its Commander-like feel and using legendary creatures or Planeswalkers as a central strategy.
Jumpstart, for quick games and mixing different themes.
Standard, I like playing with current cards and staying in the meta.
Timeless, where I can use the most powerful cards from Magic's history.

2. What role does mana play in your strategy?

I prefer manipulating my opponent's mana with strategic spells.
Balanced, I use mana efficiently to maintain tempo throughout the game.
Saving mana to unleash powerful spells at the right moment.
I like ramping up quickly to bring out big creatures and spells early in the game.

3. Which card type do you find essential in your deck?

Artifacts, for utility and support.
Spells, especially those that control the flow of the game.
Enchantments, enhancing creatures or providing ongoing effects.
Creatures, strong ones that can overpower opponents.

4. How do you prefer to deal with your opponent’s threats?

Remove them directly with spells.
Negate their effects with counterspells or enchantments.
Drain their resources until they can't maintain threats.
Overwhelm them with stronger creatures.

5. How do you approach decision-making during a match?

Adapting on the fly and leveraging whatever comes next.
Focusing on fortifying my own position first.
Making bold, aggressive moves to keep pressure.
Carefully planning each step and predicting opponent’s moves.

6. What is your go-to strategy for the early game?

Recruiting important low-cost creatures to build momentum.
Playing aggressively right from the first turn.
Building a strong mana base and setting up for later.
Defensive, drawing cards and preparing counter moves.

7. How important is surprise in your gameplay strategy?

Rarely, I stick to my planned strategies.
Crucial, I love to keep my opponents guessing.
Moderately, I use surprise when absolutely needed.
It depends on the game, I can be flexible.

8. What is your favorite type of magic element or theme?

Nature and life.
Mind and illusion.
Darkness and death.
Fire and destruction.

9. How do you utilize card combos in your gameplay?

Sneaky synergies that come as a surprise to my opponents.
Carefully crafting combos for a big finish.
Rock-solid strategies, rather than relying on combos.
Preferring simple, reliable combos to gather momentum.

10. Which Planeswalker avatar do you identify with most visually in MTG Arena?

A mysterious and enigmatic presence.
A guardian, strong and noble.
A cerebral figure, using their intellect.
A fierce warrior, ready for battle.

11. What is your approach to using Planeswalkers in your deck?

Integral, but in combination with many creature cards.
Secondary, I use them as support.
Central to my strategy, they are game-changers.
Rarely, I prefer using more creatures or spells.

12. What types of rewards do you find motivational in MTG Arena?

Constructed rank rewards for competitive play.
Mastery Pass rewards, like card styles and cosmetics.
Drafting and opening new packs, discovering new cards.
Completing quests and gaining gold for versatility.