Which Song by The National Matches Your Current Mood?

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Created 7/17/2024



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The National Quiz Playlist

The National Quiz Playlist

1. How are you feeling right now?

Nostalgic or introspective
Romantic or missing someone
A bit down or seeking solace
Dreamy or reflective

2. What type of activities do you enjoy right now?

Introspective activities, like journaling or reflecting
Meditative or quiet activities
Socializing with friends
Energetic or adventurous activities

3. Which emotion is dominant in your life right now?

Restlessness or adventure
Contemplation or reflection
Romance or affection
Sorrow or longing

4. How would you describe your current state of mind?

Romantic or emotional
Nostalgic or reflective
Contemplative and calm
Anxious or agitated

5. What's your favorite way to unwind?

Listening to music or podcasts
Spending time with loved ones
Watching movies or TV
Reading or journaling

6. Which of these settings do you find most relaxing?

A peaceful beach at sunset
A cozy cabin in the woods
A quiet library or café
A vibrant cityscape at night

7. How would you describe your current energy level?

Low or depleted
Fluctuating throughout the day
Moderate yet steady
High and energetic

8. What kind of lyrics resonate most with you?

Abstract and metaphorical
Romantic or emotional
Direct and impactful
Poignant and introspective

9. Which of these best describes your current outlook?

Reflective or pensive
Hopeful or optimistic
Affectionate or loving
Anxious or uncertain

10. What kind of music do you prefer to listen to in the evenings?

Romantic and mellow
Energetic and lively
Calming and soothing
Reflective and thought-provoking