Which 70s Icon Are You Based on Your Personality?

Idyllic Icon


Created 7/1/2024



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Ever wondered which legendary figure from the 70s you most resemble? Find out if you're a disco diva, rock star, or peace-loving hippie icon with this groovy personality quiz!

Ever wondered which legendary figure from the 70s you most resemble? Find out if you're a disco diva, rock star, or peace-loving hippie icon with this groovy personality quiz!

1. What is your ideal Saturday night activity?

Attending a glamorous party
Spending time with family and close friends
Exploring a new hobby or craft

2. Which best describes your fashion style?

Bold and experimental
Elegant and timeless
Casual and comfortable
Eclectic and colorful

3. How do you handle stress?

Channel it into creativity
Talk it over with friends
Take some time alone to unwind
Engage in physical exercise or a fun activity

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

A bustling modern city
A serene beach destination
A historic and cultural capital
A secluded nature retreat

5. How do you express yourself artistically?

Through music and performance
Through fashion and style
Through writing and storytelling
Through arts and crafts

6. Which best describes your social personality?

Life of the party
Easy-going and approachable
Reserved but thoughtful
Adventurous and spontaneous

7. What motivates you the most?

Fame and recognition
Love and connection
Personal growth
Adventure and new experiences

8. How would your friends describe you?

Charismatic and inspiring
Loyal and nurturing
Wise and introspective
Fun-loving and free-spirited

9. What kind of pet would you prefer?


10. What's your go-to comfort food?

Exotic gourmet dishes
Classic home-cooked meals
Healthy and organic options
Sweet treats

11. What type of movies do you enjoy the most?

Extravagant musicals
Timeless romances
Thought-provoking dramas
Joyful comedies

12. How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Practicing a talent or skill
Catching up with friends and family
Reading or meditating
Experiencing new adventures