Which John Mayer Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/1/2024



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Find out which John Mayer song best suits your current mood! Whether you're feeling happy, sad, or reflective, there's a perfect song for you. Answer a few questions about your favorite music genres and emotional states to get your personalized recommendation.

Find out which John Mayer song best suits your current mood! Whether you're feeling happy, sad, or reflective, there's a perfect song for you. Answer a few questions about your favorite music genres and emotional states to get your personalized recommendation.

1. Which music genre do you find yourself most drawn to?

Soft Rock/80s

2. How do you feel at this moment?

Reflective and introspective
Romantic and in love
Wistful and nostalgic
Optimistic and hopeful

3. Which activity do you enjoy the most?

Chilling at home
Driving at night
Spending time outdoors
Attending a concert

4. When do you feel most inspired?

Middle of the night
Early morning

5. What type of lyrics do you resonate with most?

Romantic and affectionate
Reflective and philosophical
Hopeful and motivational
Nostalgic and reminiscent

6. What kind of mood inspires you to listen to music?

Feeling joyful
Feeling nostalgic
Feeling romantic
Feeling introspective

7. What do you look for in a song?

Deep lyrics
Catchy melody
Impressive vocals
Strong emotion

8. How do you typically share your favorite songs?

Sharing on social media
Creating playlists
Playing them at parties
Sending individual songs to friends

9. Which setting do you prefer to listen to music in?

While working/studying
Driving in the car
Solo with headphones
In a social setting

10. Which phrase best describes your current life situation?

Experiencing joy and love
Reflecting on the past
Navigating new challenges
Feeling carefree

11. How do you prefer to unwind?

Listening to music
Watching TV
Reading a book
Going for a walk

12. Which phrase best captures your romantic life right now?

In a new and exciting relationship
Taking a break from dating
Recovering from a breakup
It's complicated

13. What inspires you the most?

Personal growth
Love and relationships
Societal change