Which Marvel Villain Are You?


Created 6/26/2024



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Discover which Marvel villain you are based on your personality traits and characteristics. Unveil your dark side with this quiz!

Discover which Marvel villain you are based on your personality traits and characteristics. Unveil your dark side with this quiz!

1. What motivates you the most?

Power and control
Freedom and independence
Justice and fairness
Revenge and retaliation

2. How do you prefer to work on your evil plans?

Alone in the shadows
With a loyal team
Manipulating others to do the work
In plain sight, daring anyone to stop you

3. What's your attitude towards those who oppose you?

Crush them mercilessly
Attempt to convert them to your side
Use them to your advantage
Prove them wrong with your actions

4. How do you handle setbacks?

Analyze what went wrong and adapt
Persist with the same plan but harder
Change tactics completely
Seek revenge against those responsible

5. What's your approach to dealing with heroes?

Neutralize them at any cost
Turn them into allies
Outsmart them with elaborate schemes
Challenge them openly

6. Which environment do you thrive in?

Urban jungle
Isolated hideout
Technologically advanced lair
Mystical or ancient locations

7. What's your leadership style?

Authoritative and commanding
Charismatic and inspiring
Strategic and calculating
Chaotic and unpredictable

8. How do you see yourself?

A misunderstood genius
A necessary evil
A force of nature
A rightful ruler

9. What's your biggest weakness?

Trust issues
Obsession with power

10. What kind of followers do you attract?

Loyal and disciplined soldiers
Eager opportunists
Brainwashed minions
Reluctant allies