Which Author's Writing Advice Do You Need?


Created 6/22/2024



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Discover which famous author's writing advice is perfect for you and your unique writing style. Take this quiz to find out which author's wisdom can help you level up your writing game!

Discover which famous author's writing advice is perfect for you and your unique writing style. Take this quiz to find out which author's wisdom can help you level up your writing game!

1. What genre do you primarily write in?

Science Fiction

2. Which aspect of writing do you find most challenging?

Plot development
Character creation

3. How do you feel about outlining your work?

Essential, I can't write without it.
Useful, but I'm flexible.
Unnecessary, I prefer to discover as I write.
Depends on the project.

4. Which of these statements resonates with you the most?

Show, don't tell.
Write what you know.
Every scene should serve a purpose.
Embrace your unique voice.

5. How do you handle writer's block?

Take a break and come back fresh.
Push through it, word by word.
Seek inspiration from other works.
Discuss with fellow writers.

6. What is your primary goal with your writing?

Create an immersive world.
Engage and connect with readers emotionally.
Convey important messages and themes.
Achieve commercial success.

7. How do you approach dialogue in your writing?

Natural and true to character.
Witty and sharp.
Informative and plot-driven.
Minimalist and to the point.

8. What writing environment works best for you?

A quiet room with no distractions.
Busy café with background noise.
Outdoors in nature.
Anywhere, as long as I have my writing tools.

9. How often do you revise your work?

Constantly, as I write.
After finishing a full draft.
Rarely, I prefer to get it right the first time.
With feedback from others.

10. What would you like to achieve with your writing in the next year?

Complete a manuscript.
Get published.
Improve a specific writing skill.
Try a new genre or style.