Find Your NJPW Faction

Idyllic Icon


Created 6/26/2024



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Take this quiz to discover which NJPW faction you would belong to based on your traits and preferences.

Take this quiz to discover which NJPW faction you would belong to based on your traits and preferences.

1. What's your preferred wrestling style?

High-flying acrobatics
Technical and submission-based
Power and strength
Brawler with a rough edge

2. What's your ideal role in a faction?

The charismatic leader
The reliable workhorse
The cunning strategist
The unpredictable wildcard

3. How do you handle losses?

Learn from them and come back stronger
Analyze what went wrong and fix it
Blame external factors
Laugh it off and keep moving

4. What's your philosophy towards wrestling traditions?

Respect and uphold them
Adapt them to modern times
Challenge and break them
Mix them with different global styles

5. What's your ideal weapon in a no-disqualification match?

Steel chair
Kendo stick
Brass knuckles

6. What motivates you the most in wrestling?

Championship gold
Respect from peers and fans
Personal glory and legacy
Revenge and settling scores

7. What's your relationship with tag team wrestling?

Love it, it's all about teamwork
Prefer singles, but can team up
Only team with trusted partners
Not a fan, I work alone

8. How do you engage with the crowd?

Play to their cheers
Intimidate and silence them
Win them over with charisma
Ignore them and stay focused

9. What's your favorite type of match?

Ladder match
Submission match
Hardcore match
Standard singles match

10. How do you celebrate a victory?

Thank the fans and show respect
Rub it in your opponent's face
Celebrate with your faction
Quietly acknowledge it and move on