What's Your Perfect Mood-Boosting Song?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/8/2024



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Discover the perfect song that matches your current mood! Answer some fun questions about your emotions, activities, and preferences, and we'll recommend a song that fits your vibe.

Discover the perfect song that matches your current mood! Answer some fun questions about your emotions, activities, and preferences, and we'll recommend a song that fits your vibe.

1. How would you best describe your current mood?

Thoughtful and reflective
Sad and melancholic
Cheerful and upbeat
Energetic and lively

2. What kind of activities are you engaging in today?

Studying or working
Exercising or being active
Relaxing at home
Going out with friends

3. What genres of music do you usually enjoy?

Pop, Country, or Reggae
Indie, Ambient, or Electronica
Jazz, Blues, or Classical
Rock, Metal, or Hip Hop

4. What time of the day do you feel most comfortable?


5. Which of these situations best describes how you’re feeling?

Ready to get active
Experiencing heartache
Celebrating an achievement
Contemplating life

6. What kind of social settings do you enjoy most?

Big parties
Adventures with friends
One-on-one conversations
Quiet gatherings

7. What tends to trigger your strongest emotions?

Art and creativity
Physical activities
Social connections
Personal reflection

8. When you feel sad, what do you usually do?

Get creative (writing, painting)

9. What do you look for in a song's lyrics?

Dark and intense
Catchy and fun
Imaginative and poetic
Deep and meaningful

10. How structured do you like your music?

Free-form and experimental
Raw and intense
Structured and predictable
Complex and intricate

11. How do you typically use music in your daily life?

To get energized
For deep listening
To relax and unwind
As background noise

12. Which of these environments do you find most appealing?

A concert or festival
A lively party
A cozy coffee shop
A peaceful nature retreat

13. How important is music in your daily routine?

It's not a big part of my life
It's essential, I can't go a day without it
I listen to music occasionally
I enjoy it, but can go without if needed