Which Destiny 2 Guardian Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/16/2024



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Ever wondered which Guardian from Destiny 2 you align with the most?

Ever wondered which Guardian from Destiny 2 you align with the most?

1. How do you prefer to engage in Destiny 2?

I prefer the immersive experience of PvE, exploring and defeating AI enemies.
I focus on Raids and Dungeons for the complex challenges and teamwork.
I enjoy a good mix of both PvP and PvE content.
I love the thrill of PvP battles and outsmarting other players.

2. Which weapon do you most prefer to use?

I excel with snipers and hand cannons from a distance.
I prefer fusion rifles and pulse rifles for versatility.
I specialize in using heavy weapons and rocket launchers.
I dominate with auto rifles and shotguns for close combat.

3. How do you approach combat situations?

I utilize strategy and planning, analyzing the battlefield.
I use cunning and agility, opting for hit-and-run tactics.
I prefer a defensive stance, protecting my team and myself.
I charge in headfirst, relying on brute strength.

4. What motivates your decisions during missions?

Ensuring my allies' survival comes first.
Completing the mission objectives is my top priority.
Balancing between objectives and allies is key.
I adapt based on the situation, improvising as needed.

5. Which subclass do you frequently use?

A balance of all elements, depending on the situation.
Void – manipulating dark and mysterious energies.
Arc – fast and powerful electric attacks.
Solar – burning enemies with fiery power.

6. Do you prefer working alone or with a team?

I like leading a team, coordinating strategy and tactics.
I thrive when working as part of a team.
I prefer going solo, relying on my own skills.
I can do both, adapting based on necessity.

7. How do you handle unexpected challenges during missions?

I rely on my team's strengths to overcome it.
I trust my intuition and act based on instinct.
I use my strategic planning to navigate through.
I think quickly and adapt to the new situation.

8. What role do you prefer in a fireteam?

Support, enhancing my allies' abilities.
Scout, gathering intel and setting up ambushes.
Striker, dealing the most damage.
Leader, guiding and coordinating the team.

9. How do you handle high-pressure situations?

I thrive under pressure and act decisively.
I maintain my cool and support my team.
I keep my wits about me and adapt quickly.
I stay calm and focus on my objectives.

10. What is your stance on moral decisions during missions?

I always look at the bigger picture and long-term impacts.
I make pragmatic choices based on the situation.
I act on my instincts and personal judgment.
I take a principled approach, upholding my values.

11. Which describes you best in terms of curiosity?

I am curious as long as it aligns with my goals.
I am endlessly curious and always seek deeper understanding.
I am curious, but balance it with practicality.
I focus on immediate concerns over curiosities.

12. How would you describe your leadership style?

Collaborative, factoring in team input.
Authoritative, making decisive calls.
Strategic, focusing on long-term success.
Inspirational, motivating through example.

13. Which environment do you prefer in Destiny 2?

Urban settings like The Last City.
Cosmic locations like the Dreaming City.
Underground spaces like the Moon.
Wilderness areas like the EDZ.