Which 90 Day Fiance Love Story Is Just Like Yours?



Created 6/27/2024



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Find out which 90 Day Fiance love story perfectly matches your own in this fun and informative quiz! Explore different categories and uncover your perfect match!

Find out which 90 Day Fiance love story perfectly matches your own in this fun and informative quiz! Explore different categories and uncover your perfect match!

1. How did you first meet your partner?

Dating app
Social media
Through friends

2. What initially attracted you to your partner?

Their appearance
Their personality
Shared hobbies/interests
Their cultural background

3. How long did you communicate online before meeting in person?

Less than a month
1-3 months
3-6 months
Over 6 months

4. What kind of challenges have you faced in your relationship?

Language barriers
Cultural differences
Family disapproval
Trust issues

5. How do you typically resolve conflicts with your partner?

Open communication
Taking breaks to cool off
Seeking external advice or counseling
Avoiding conflicts

6. Have you visited each other’s home country?

Yes, multiple times
Yes, once
Not yet, but planning to
No, not interested

7. How do you and your partner handle financial discussions?

Jointly manage finances
One partner manages finances
Separate finances
Avoid discussing finances

8. What are your future plans as a couple?

Moving in together
Getting married
Traveling the world
Starting a family

9. How do you and your partner spend your leisure time together?

Exploring new places
Cuddling and watching movies
Engaging in hobbies together
Socializing with friends and family

10. What do you love most about your partner?

Their sense of humor
Their kindness
Their ambition
Their loyalty