Which Monster Hunter Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/24/2024



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Discover which iconic Monster Hunter character you embody based on your playstyle, weapon preferences, and hunting strategies.

Discover which iconic Monster Hunter character you embody based on your playstyle, weapon preferences, and hunting strategies.

1. What type of weapon do you prefer using in battle?

Great Sword - Heavy and slow, but deals massive damage.
Bow - Agile and allows for distance attacks.
Long Sword - Balanced mix of speed and power.
Insect Glaive - Fast and allows for aerial attacks.

2. Which hunting environment do you enjoy the most?

Tundras - Cold and challenging conditions.
Forests - Lush and full of hiding spots.
Deserts - Open areas with few obstacles.
Volcanoes - Harsh and fiery landscapes.

3. How do you prefer to approach a hunt?

Charge in aggressively and overwhelm the monster.
Hit-and-run tactics to avoid damage.
Tactically plan and exploit the monster's weaknesses.
Support the team with healing and buffs.

4. What role do you usually take when hunting in a team?

Leader - Directing the team and making strategic decisions.
Solo Player - Prefer hunting on my own.
Support - Providing buffs and healing to allies.
Damage Dealer - Focusing on dealing as much damage as possible.

5. Which strategic approach do you prefer during hunts?

Adaptive - Adjust strategies based on the situation.
Supportive - Aid the team with buffs and healing.
Tactical - Carefully plan each move and exploit weaknesses.
Aggressive - Maximize damage output and focus on offense.

6. Which type of monster do you enjoy hunting the most?

Wyverns - Agile and fierce.
Dragons - Majestic and powerful.
Elder Dragons - Ancient and formidable.
Large Monsters - Intimidating and massive.

7. How do you handle a monster's attacks?

Use shields and defensive maneuvers to block attacks.
Take the hits and focus on dealing damage back.
Dodge and evade to stay out of harm's way.
Counterattack immediately after dodging.

8. What is your preferred method of tracking monsters?

Scoutflies - Use the environment and clues left by monsters.
Wait and ambush - Observe from a distance and strike at the right moment.
Direct confrontation - Find the monster and engage immediately.
Traps and bait - Lure the monster into specific locations.

9. How important is the use of elemental damage in your playstyle?

Minimal - Focus more on physical damage.
Essential - Always exploit elemental weaknesses.
Avoid - Rarely use elemental attacks.
Situational - Only use it when necessary.

10. What is your favorite type of quest?

Expedition quests - Explore and discover new areas.
Slaying quests - Focus on defeating powerful monsters.
Capture quests - Strategically weaken and capture monsters.
Gathering quests - Collect rare materials and resources.

11. When fighting a difficult monster, what's your strategy?

Play safe and counterattack when there is an opening.
Coordinate with the team to use traps and status effects.
Distract the monster while the team deals damage.
Keep attacking relentlessly to prevent it from recovering.

12. How do you usually prepare for a hunt?

Craft specialized gear and weapons for the specific monster.
Stock up on potions and supplies.
Gather information and plan the strategy.
Rely on intuition and adapt during the hunt.

13. What is your combat style?

Ranged attacks to keep enemies at a distance.
Balanced mix of offense and defense.
Heavy-hitting and powerful strikes.
Quick and agile movements.