Which Stranger Things Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/22/2024



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Dive into the upside-down world of Hawkins, Indiana, and discover which iconic 'Stranger Things' character you align with. Are you brave like Eleven, loyal like Mike, or quirky like Dustin?

Dive into the upside-down world of Hawkins, Indiana, and discover which iconic 'Stranger Things' character you align with. Are you brave like Eleven, loyal like Mike, or quirky like Dustin?

1. How do you typically react to unexpected supernatural events?

Jump in and deal with it head-on.
Analyze and look for logical explanations.
React with caution and skepticism.
Embrace them with curiosity and an open mind.

2. Which type of friend are you in your group?

The creative problem-solver.
The brave protector.
The leader who guides the group.
The humor and morale booster.

3. How do you handle fear in terrifying situations?

Freeze and try to comprehend the threat.
Look for a creative solution to overcome it.
Assess the situation strategically.
Confront it directly with courage.

4. What's your problem-solving style?

Rely on facts and data to make decisions.
Follow your intuition and instincts.
Work through it as a team effort.
Use creative and unconventional methods.

5. Which 80s pop culture are you most drawn to?

Iconic movies and TV shows.
Indie music and vintage arcade games.
Classic rock and theatrical performances.
Board games and family gatherings.

6. When you're faced with a significant obstacle, how do you typically respond?

Persistently push through it, no matter the odds.
Seek help and collaborate with others.
Adapt quickly and improvise.
Carefully plan a step-by-step solution.

7. How do you usually manage conflicts with others?

Have an open discussion to resolve it.
Defend your position firmly.
Prefer to avoid confrontation if possible.
Find a compromise that works for everyone.

8. If you had a hidden talent, what would it be?

Unwavering leadership under pressure.
Decoding complex puzzles and codes.
Fearless physical resilience.
A heightened sense of intuition.

9. What best describes your greatest strength?

An unwavering sense of justice.
Unmatched bravery in the face of danger.
Impeccable listening and empathy.
An ability to charm and persuade.

10. Choose a recreational activity you’d enjoy the most.

Playing board games and storytelling.
Tackling new and challenging puzzles.
Joining friends for a night out on the town.
Going on an adventurous hike or bike ride.

11. How would you deal with a dishonest friend?

Distance yourself from them to avoid conflict.
Confront them directly and demand the truth.
Try to understand their reasons and support them.
Investigate quietly to uncover more information.

12. In a musical showdown, which instrument or style would you dominate?

Electric guitar in a rock band.
Classical piano solo.
Vocals in a pop group.
Drumming in a jam session.