Which Nelk Boy Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/10/2024



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Find out which member of the Nelk Boys you're most like!

Find out which member of the Nelk Boys you're most like!

1. How do you typically celebrate a big success?

Throw a huge party with all my friends
Share my joy on social media
Quietly appreciate the moment and plan the next steps
Indulge in a personal treat or adventure

2. How do you handle challenges or setbacks?

Laugh it off and use it as content for the next prank
Seek advice from trusted friends and collaborators
Confront it head-on with bold confidence
Reflect privately and consider how to improve

3. How do you behave at social gatherings?

Observing and occasionally making insightful comments
The center of attention, making everyone laugh
Engaging in energetic and competitive activities
Networking and connecting with new people

4. What type of humor resonates with you the most?

Sarcastic and quick-witted
Wholesome and light-hearted
Physical and slapstick
Dark and edgy

5. What interests and hobbies do you gravitate towards?

Traveling and outdoor adventures
Fashion and brand management
Filming and editing fun videos
Fitness and self-improvement

6. How do you make important decisions?

Seeking the fun and bold option
Trusting my gut feeling
Analyzing the pros and cons
Discussing with friends for their input

7. What values or beliefs are most important to you?

Loyalty and friendship
Personal growth and self-awareness
Adventure and risk-taking
Creativity and innovation

8. What's your ideal way to unwind after a hectic day?

Engaging in sports or physical activities
Brainstorming new ideas with the team
Having a laugh with close friends or family
Reading a book or watching a documentary