How Well Do You Know the History of Ontology?

Quizzee Rascal
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Quizzee Rascal

Created 6/11/2024



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Test your knowledge of the fascinating field of ontology with this challenging quiz!

Test your knowledge of the fascinating field of ontology with this challenging quiz!

1. Which authors have written on the ontology of works of art regarding major fine-art forms?

Nicholas Wolterstorff
Gregory Currie
Joseph Margolis
All of the above

2. Who is the recent advocate of Platonism in the ontology of art?

R. A. Sharpe
Kingsley Price
Stephen Davies
Gary Ostertag

3. What are some of the objections to Platonism in art ontology?

The postulation of abstract objects
The instantiation relation between universals and their particular manifestations
Ignoring other philosophies
Both A & B

4. Who discussed the functions and elements of tragedy which can be mined for ideas about the nature of dramatic and literary works?

Guy Rohrbaugh
Peter Kivy
Robert Stecker

5. What does Pepper refer to as ‘the control object’ in his writings on the ontology of art?

The aesthetic work
The physical object
The created object
The subject of art

6. Who proposed an alternative explication of the Japanese examples in ontology of art?

Rafael De Clercq
Guy Rohrbaugh
Joseph Margolis
Stephen Davies

7. What does the term 'work of art' best interpreted as, according to Pepper ?

A portmanteau expression
An abstract object
A physical object
A philosophical concept

8. When were extensive treatments of art ontology topics written prior to ?

19th century
17th century
20th century
18th century

9. Who argued that 'work of art' is an experience?

Lascelles Abercrombie
P. Leon
George W. Beiswanger
John Dewey

10. Who characterized the aesthetic object as 'experienced experiencing'?

George W. Beiswanger
Lascelles Abercrombie
P. Leon
John Dewey

11. Which work of Stephen Davies discusses the ontology of music from Analytic Philosophy?

Works of Music: Approaches to the Ontology of Music from Analytic Philosophy
The Ontology of Art
Music and Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy of Music

12. Who critiqued Platonist theses in the ontology of art?

Stephen Davies
Peter Kivy
Kingsley Price
Robert Stecker

13. Which philosopher rhapsodized about the aesthetic object as an experienced quale?

George W. Beiswanger
P. Leon
Lascelles Abercrombie
Guy Rohrbaugh

14. Who authored 'Works of Music: An Essay in Ontology'?

Julian Dodd
Peter Kivy
Stephen Davies
Raphael De Clercq

15. How does Aristotle, according to some interpretations, view the unity of 'The Iliad'?

As a physical object
As a work of fiction
As a set of words made 'one' by being connected together
As a historical account

16. Who developed the view that the 'material' work is merely a means to the aesthetic object?

George W. Beiswanger
P. Leon
Lascelles Abercrombie
John Dewey

17. Who discussed an ontology of authored works?

Darren Hudson Hick
Risto Hilpinen
Robert Hoffman
Robert Howell

18. Whose ontology of art was discussed in response to Rafael De Clercq's proposition?


19. Who is known for his claims about works and ideas as 'expressions' of experience?


20. Who is known for his Ontological Contextualism in the field of aesthetics?

Robert Stecker
Theodore Gracyk
Guy Rohrbaugh
Stephen Davies