Which Professional Wrestler Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Ever wondered which professional wrestler best matches your personality and style? Answer these questions to find out which iconic wrestler you are most like!

Ever wondered which professional wrestler best matches your personality and style? Answer these questions to find out which iconic wrestler you are most like!

1. How would you describe your personality?

Mysterious and intimidating
Rebellious and no-nonsense
Charismatic and larger-than-life
Determined and hard-working

2. What is your preferred fighting style?

Hardcore tactics
High-flying maneuvers
Powerhouse techniques
Technical grappling

3. How do you handle conflict?

Demand respect with an aura
Strategic and calculated
Calm and composed
Direct and confrontational

4. What motivates you the most?

Fame and popularity
Respect and legacy
Dominance and power
Competition and accolades

5. Which type of wrestling storyline do you prefer?

Family feuds and loyalty
Supernatural and mystical
Betrayal and revenge
Overcoming adversity

6. How do you want to be remembered?

As a legendary entertainer
As a resilient underdog
As a respected athlete
As a dominating force

7. How do you feel about breaking rules?

Always follow the rules
Only when it's absolutely vital
Rules are meant to be broken
Bend them when necessary

8. What type of entrance do you prefer?

Dark and intimidating
Quick and agile
Flashy and full of energy
Confident and direct

9. Who do you look up to in the wrestling world?

The Undertaker
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Bret Hart
Hulk Hogan

10. What would you do on a day off?

Go to the gym to work out
Spend time with family or friends
Relax with a few cold beers
Have a 'me' day

11. How would you describe your ring gear?

Flashy and attention-grabbing
Thematic and unique
Simple and practical
Tactical and intimidating

12. How do you engage with the crowd?

With agility and high-flying moves
With charisma and energy
With intimidation and silence
By taunting and riling them up

13. Which type of event excites you the most?

The grand spectacle of WrestleMania
The chaotic excitement of Royal Rumble
The team battles of Survivor Series
The high stakes of Money in the Bank