Which Historical Leader Matches Your Leadership Style?


Created 6/25/2024



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Discover which historical leader matches your unique leadership style and find out what category you fall into!

Discover which historical leader matches your unique leadership style and find out what category you fall into!

1. How do you handle setbacks in your leadership journey?

Reflect and find constructive feedback to improve
Get frustrated but keep pushing forward
Blame external factors and move on
Look for immediate solutions to workaround the issue

2. How do you prioritize tasks under pressure?

Create a detailed plan and stick to it
Tackle tasks as they come, adjusting as needed
Delegate tasks to ensure quick completion
Focus on the most important tasks first and adapt based on the situation

3. How often do you seek input from your team?

Regularly, involving them in most decisions
Occasionally, for major decisions only
Rarely, it's more efficient to make decisions alone
Infrequently, unless I need specific expertise

4. How do you respond to innovative but risky ideas from team members?

Encourage experimentation and provide support
Evaluate the risk thoroughly before deciding
Dismiss them if they seem too risky
Consider them but prioritize safer options

5. How do you manage team conflicts?

Mediate actively and find a fair solution
Encourage open communication to resolve issues
Intervene only when it escalates
Allow team members to resolve it themselves

6. How would you describe your decision-making style?

Decisive and confident
Analytical and data-driven
Flexible and adaptive
Cautious and thoughtful

7. How important is empathy in your leadership approach?

Crucial, understanding my team is paramount
Important, but results come first
Somewhat, but not always necessary
Not very, efficiency is more important

8. How do you motivate your team during challenging times?

Lead by example and stay positive
Set clear goals and reward achievements
Push them to work harder
Encourage open discussions about challenges

9. How do you handle change within your organization?

Embrace it and guide my team through it
Carefully plan and mitigate risks
Resist it unless absolutely necessary
Adapt reactively based on circumstances

10. What is your communication style as a leader?

Open and transparent
Direct and to the point
Selective, sharing information as needed
Encouraging, fostering a collaborative environment