Which Iconic Catfish Are You from the TV Show Catfish?

Idyllic Icon


Created 6/26/2024



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Find out which iconic catfish from the TV show Catfish you are most like with this fun and revealing quiz!

Find out which iconic catfish from the TV show Catfish you are most like with this fun and revealing quiz!

1. How do you usually meet new people online?

Through social media
Dating apps
Online forums
Gaming communities

2. What's your primary motivation for creating an online persona?


3. How long would you maintain an online relationship before revealing your true identity?

A few weeks
A few months
A year
Several years

4. When meeting someone for the first time, what's your biggest fear?

Being rejected
Losing control
Being exposed
Disappointing them

5. Which of the following best describes your personality?

Dramatic and vengeful
Secretive and strategic
Manipulative and dominant
Sincere and confused

6. How would you react if you were caught catfishing?

Confess immediately
Deny everything
Try to explain your actions
Disappear entirely

7. Who do you think is more to blame for catfishing?

The catfish
The victim

8. What's your signature move in maintaining an online relationship?

Sending gifts
Faking events or emergencies
Ghosting occasionally
Sharing intimate secrets

9. What's your reaction if your catfish persona gets exposed?

Feel relieved
Angry and vengeful
Embarrassed and apologetic
Proud of your acting skills

10. What would you do if someone catfished you?

Expose them immediately
Continue to play along
Forgive them
Seek revenge

11. How do you handle guilt from deceiving others?

Suppress it
Justify your actions
Confess to a friend
Turn to humor

12. What type of online persona do you prefer to create?

A celebrity
A romantic interest
A friend
A business partner

13. What lesson do you hope people learn from your catfishing escapades?

Be careful who you trust
Everyone lies online
Love conquers all
Life is just a game