Which Escape From Tarkov Role Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/23/2024



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Discover your unique role in the unforgiving world of Escape From Tarkov! Whether you're a stealthy scavenger or a fierce frontline fighter, this quiz will reveal your true in-game persona.

Discover your unique role in the unforgiving world of Escape From Tarkov! Whether you're a stealthy scavenger or a fierce frontline fighter, this quiz will reveal your true in-game persona.

1. How do you prefer to approach a typical raid?

I hang back and provide medical support or manage supplies.
I charge in and engage enemies head-on.
I scout ahead and mark potential threats and valuable loot.
I play opportunistically, scavenging as much as possible.

2. Which weapon type do you feel most comfortable using?

A sniper rifle for long-range engagements.
A machine gun for suppression and heavy firepower.
An assault rifle for versatility in various combat situations.
Grenades and explosives for causing chaos.

3. When you encounter a high-stress situation, such as an ambush, what do you do?

I take a quick assessment and plan a rapid, evasive move.
I find cover and provide suppressing fire until the situation is under control.
I throw a grenade to disrupt and disorient the enemy.
I wait for the right moment to take a precise shot.

4. Describe your ideal squad role during a team raid.

Rigging explosives and setting up defenses.
Providing critical intel and guiding the team.
Leading the charge and taking out enemies.
Offering medical aid to keep everyone in the fight.

5. What do you prioritize when looting?

High-value items for maximum profit.
Weapons and ammo to stay ready for combat.
Tactical gear and modifications.
Medical supplies to keep my team healthy.

6. How do you handle navigation in Tarkov?

I rely on a map and planned routes.
I memorize key landmarks and use them to guide my way.
I stick to well-traveled paths and avoid risk.
I adapt to the terrain and move stealthily.

7. Which environment do you perform best in?

Open fields where I can engage enemies at long range.
Industrial zones with opportunities to set traps.
Urban areas with plenty of cover and vantage points.
Wilderness where I can use stealth and natural formations.

8. How do you deal with encountering enemy players unexpectedly?

I use the environment to hide and prepare a counter-attack.
I quickly analyze the situation and decide whether to engage or retreat.
I try to find a safe spot to heal and regroup.
I engage immediately with full force to overwhelm them.

9. What is your approach to completing missions?

Clear out enemies and secure the area before proceeding.
Complete objectives quickly and efficiently without unnecessary risks.
Provide support to ensure everyone completes their goals.
Grab what I can and get out before getting overwhelmed.

10. Which of these best describes your attitude towards risk during a raid?

I thrive on high-risk, high-action playstyles.
I embrace risk for the chance of getting valuable loot.
I take calculated risks for high rewards.
I avoid unnecessary risks and prioritize survival.

11. How do you prefer to communicate during a raid?

Calling out targets and coordinating attacks.
Constantly updating my team with enemy positions and movements.
Giving updates on our status and inventory needs.
Minimal communication, focusing on individual tactics.

12. What is your approach to gathering intelligence?

I engage enemies to gather intel through combat.
I gather intelligence from looting areas others might avoid.
I thoroughly scout the area and report back to my team.
I rely on the environment and indirect observations.

13. What is your response when a teammate is down?

I secure the area and then assist if safe.
I provide immediate medical assistance.
I continue the mission, ensuring it's safe to help later.
I scavenge what I can and move on.