Which Cyberpunk Character Are You?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/23/2024



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Are you a ruthless netrunner or a compassionate street kid? Take this quiz to find out which iconic Cyberpunk character matches your playstyle and choices!

Are you a ruthless netrunner or a compassionate street kid? Take this quiz to find out which iconic Cyberpunk character matches your playstyle and choices!

1. How do you approach combat situations in Night City?

I charge in head-first, guns blazing.
I prefer to hack systems and use stealth to gain the upper hand.
I rely on strategic positioning and long-range attacks.
I avoid combat whenever possible and focus on negotiation.

2. What is your relationship with technology?

I am skeptical of technology and use it sparingly.
I use technology but prefer to rely on my natural talents.
I avoid technology and prefer a more hands-on approach.
I fully embrace technology and cyberware, enhancing my skills.

3. How do you handle loyalty to factions within Night City?

I avoid factions and their conflicts altogether.
I am loyal to my clan and protect them at all costs.
I am a free agent, I don't align with any particular faction.
I align with factions that align with my personal goals.

4. How do you make moral decisions in the game?

I prioritize the greater good, even if it means making tough choices.
My decisions depend on what benefits me the most.
I avoid making decisions that put me in moral dilemmas.
I always try to help others and do what's right.

5. What is your primary goal within the game's narrative?

Fighting for a cause and bringing down the corrupt system.
Achieving artistic or personal fulfillment.
Building and maintaining meaningful relationships.
Survival at any cost.

6. How do you respond to a loved one's desperate plea for help?

I prioritize my current mission but keep it in mind.
I drop everything to help them immediately.
I assess the situation and decide based on risk and feasibility.
I respond when it’s convenient for me.

7. What type of environment do you thrive in?

I prefer structured and orderly settings.
I thrive in community-focused and stable settings.
I thrive in chaotic and unpredictable environments.
I do well in technologically advanced environments.

8. How do you view the concept of loyalty?

I believe in staying true to my missions and goals.
I am loyal to my own values above all else.
Loyalty is flexible and depends on the situation.
Loyalty to friends is paramount.

9. Which aspect of the game's world intrigues you the most?

The social dynamics and faction conflicts.
The technological advancements and cyberware.
The open-world exploration and side missions.
The intricate narrative and character interactions.

10. What kind of legacy or mark do you want to leave in Night City?

I want to create lasting change for the better.
I want to be remembered as a hero.
I want to leave a mark as a legendary figure, regardless of the means.
I want to enjoy every moment, leaving a personal legacy.

11. How do you handle betrayal?

I prioritize understanding and try to seek reconciliation.
I take swift and decisive action against those who betray me.
I meticulously plan my revenge.
I distance myself from those who betrayed me and move on.

12. How do you balance your personal goals with the needs of others?

I prioritize my own goals above all else.
I always put others' needs ahead of my own.
I balance both equally, finding a middle ground.
I focus on my goals but help others when I can.