Are You a Cat Expert? Take This Quiz to Find Out!

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Created 6/11/2024



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Test your knowledge on all things cat-related with this purr-fect quiz. Answer 20 questions and see how well you fare in the feline world!

Test your knowledge on all things cat-related with this purr-fect quiz. Answer 20 questions and see how well you fare in the feline world!

1. What is the musical 'Cats' based on?

A collection of T.S. Eliot poems
A novel by J.K. Rowling
A comic strip by Jim Davis
A popular Broadway play

2. Who is Nitama?

A famous internet cat
A stationmaster cat in Japan
A character in a Disney movie
A breed of cat

3. What are polydactyl cats known for?

Having six toes on their front paws
Being extra fluffy
Having blue eyes
Being hypoallergenic

4. What is the primary role of feral cats at Disneyland?

To entertain guests
To control the rodent population
To perform tricks
To provide emotional support

5. What does the Hungarian word 'macskaköröm' literally translate to?

Cat's eyes
Cat claws
Cat's foot
Cat's nose

6. Why shouldn't adult cats be given milk?

It makes them hyperactive
Most are lactose intolerant
It's too high in sugar
They don't like the taste

7. Which pet is more popular in the United States?


8. Why can't cats taste sweetness?

They lack sweet taste buds
They have a genetic mutation
Their diet doesn't require sugar
They prefer savory foods

9. What unique ability do cats have regarding seawater?

They can purify it
They can drink it
They can avoid it
They are allergic to it

10. What do cats use their whiskers for?

Communicating with other animals
Determining if they can fit through a space
Detecting predator presence
Showing emotions

11. What happens when cats don't cover their poop?

They are marking territory
They are lazy
They have a health issue
They are signaling aggression

12. What is a group of kittens called?

A swarm
A litter
A kindle
A clowder

13. Who was Stubbs?

A stationmaster cat
A mayor cat
A famous cartoon cat
A cat that made headlines

14. What did Maria Assunta leave her cat Tomasso?

A luxurious cat bed
Her $13 million fortune
A famous diamond collar
A large estate in Italy

15. What does it mean when a cat blinks slowly at you?

They are tired
They are hungry
They love you
They want to play

16. How do cats greet each other?

By licking each other
By touching noses
By meowing
By purring

17. Why did European settlers bring cats to the Americas?

As pets
For protection
For pest control
For good luck

18. What is unique about a cat's nose?

It's always cold
It has a unique print like a fingerprint
It's highly sensitive to light
It's used for storing water

19. In Japan, what are cats believed to become when they die?

Human spirits
Super spirits
Protective deities

20. What unusual ability do cats have regarding their scent?

They can remember scents for years
They have an extra organ to taste scents
They can mask their own scent
They can imitate other animals' scents