Which Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/22/2024



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Dive into the multiverse and discover which Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker aligns with your soul. Explore your strategic preferences, mana affinities, and deck-building styles in this personality quiz that reveals your true Planeswalker identity.

Dive into the multiverse and discover which Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker aligns with your soul. Explore your strategic preferences, mana affinities, and deck-building styles in this personality quiz that reveals your true Planeswalker identity.

1. What is your preferred color of mana in Magic: The Gathering?

Blue - Knowledge, manipulation, and control
Red - Passion, chaos, and direct damage
Black - Ambition, power, and necromancy
White - Order, protection, and healing

2. How do you typically approach a game?

Direct and aggressive, aiming for swift victories
Bolster defenses and support allies
Plan ahead and control the board
Utilize unforeseen tactics and surprise moves

3. What type of creatures do you favor in your deck?

Undead and dark entities
Loriosoilders and defenders
Elementals and spirits of nature
Unyielding and powerful beasts

4. How do you deal with your opponent's threats?

Neutralize and outmaneuver them
Endure and outlast their attacks
Overwhelm them with sheer force
Undermine them from the shadows

5. Which game-winning strategy do you prefer?

Direct damage to opponent
Drain and control their life
Overrun them with creatures
Out-think and outlast their moves

6. What is most important to you in a Magic: The Gathering game?

Honesty and fairness
Knowledge and strategy
Power and dominance
Resilience and protection

7. Do you prefer aggressive or defensive decks?

Defensive - Protect and wait
Aggressive - Always on the attack
Flexible depending on the situation
Balanced - A bit of both

8. How much importance do you place on card draw abilities?

Very high - I need to have cards in hand
Moderate - Useful but not essential
Low - I focus on other strengths
Not important - I can make do with fewer cards

9. What kind of spells make up the core of your deck?

Life drain or necromantic spells
Summoning spells for powerful creatures
Direct damage spells for quick wins
Control spells to manage the board

10. Are you a fan of combo strategies?

Sometimes, depending on the deck
I value flexibility over strict combos
Yes, I enjoy intricate combos
No, I prefer straightforward strategies

11. How do you feel about milling as a win condition?

I don't mind it, but it's not my focus
I dislike it and avoid it
I love it and use it often
I find it interesting but tricky

12. What kind of enchantments do you like to utilize?

Those that protect or bolster allies
Those that create lasting value
Those that deal direct damage
Those that disrupt or control