Which 'House' Character or Patient Are You?

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Created 6/26/2024



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Want to find out which character or patient from the hit TV show 'House' you are? Take this quiz to discover your inner 'House' personality!

Want to find out which character or patient from the hit TV show 'House' you are? Take this quiz to discover your inner 'House' personality!

1. How do you approach problem-solving?

Logically analyze all available data
Follow established protocols and guidelines
Consider multiple viewpoints before deciding
Seek out new and unconventional methods

2. How do you express your feelings?

With dry humor and sarcasm
I usually keep them to myself
Openly and compassionately
Only when absolutely necessary

3. What motivates your actions?

A desire to challenge norms
A strong sense of duty
Compassion and empathy
Curiosity and innovation

4. How do you handle conflict?

Direct confrontation
Withdraw and avoid
Mediate between parties
Challenge the status quo

5. What is your view on rules?

They're meant to be broken
They should be followed meticulously
They can be flexible if needed
They are a guide, not an absolute

6. How do you typically make decisions?

Based on logical reasoning
By sticking to tried and true methods
After considering the emotional impact
Spontaneously and creatively

7. What is your approach towards leadership?

Lead by example with a tough exterior
Provide stability and structure
Support and nurture team members
Inspire with innovative ideas

8. How do you view relationships?

They tend to complicate matters
They require effort and consistency
They are essential for emotional wellbeing
They are a source of excitement and growth

9. What is your working style?

Independent and self-sufficient
Organized and by the book
Collaborative and supportive
Adaptable and flexible

10. How do you react to failure?

Learn and move on quickly
Feel deeply discouraged
Reflect and try to understand all perspectives
Look for innovative solutions going forward

11. What is your approach to risk?

Embrace it if it leads to breakthroughs
Minimize it through careful planning
Evaluate its emotional impact
Take calculated risks for potential gains

12. How do you prefer to communicate?

Directly and bluntly
Formally and precisely
Empathetically and clearly
Engagingly and provocatively