Which JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Sidekick Are You?


Created 6/30/2024



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Find out which sidekick from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure you would be based on your personality and preferences!

Find out which sidekick from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure you would be based on your personality and preferences!

1. How would you describe your attitude in a high-pressure situation?

Calm and collected, analyzing the situation before acting.
Hot-headed and impulsive, ready to jump in immediately.
Strategic and supportive, helping others to execute their plans.
Loyal and protective, doing anything to keep friends safe.

2. Which activity sounds most appealing to you?

Studying and learning new things.
Training and honing your skills.
Hanging out with friends and having fun.
Plotting your next big move in life.

3. How do you usually make decisions?

By thinking logically and considering all outcomes.
By following your instincts and acting swiftly.
By consulting with friends and coming up with a team strategy.
By doing whatever feels right in the moment.

4. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Reading or engaging in intellectual hobbies.
Participating in sports or physical activities.
Organizing a get-together with friends.
Planning and executing a personal project.

5. Which of these traits do you value most in a friend?

Intelligence and resourcefulness.
Courage and determination.
Loyalty and reliability.
Charisma and leadership.

6. What's your approach to conflict resolution?

Finding a diplomatic and peaceful solution.
Confronting it head-on without hesitation.
Assisting others in resolving their issues.
Outsmarting your opponents with clever tactics.

7. Which of these roles fits you best?

The strategist who plans ahead.
The fighter who charges into battle.
The supportive friend who stands by others.
The leader who sets the path forward.

8. How do you handle betrayal?

By carefully planning your next move.
By confronting the betrayer directly.
By remaining loyal to your true friends.
By manipulating the situation to your advantage.

9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In a prestigious position, using my knowledge for good.
Having achieved many personal challenges and adventures.
Surrounded by close friends, cherishing our bonds.
Leading a powerful organization or group.

10. Which phrase resonates with you the most?

Knowledge is power.
Bravery knows no bounds.
True friends are a treasure.
Ambition drives success.