Test Your Cyber Knowledge

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Created 6/20/2024



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Discover how well you understand cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, and cyber crime with this challenging quiz!

Discover how well you understand cyber attacks, cyber terrorism, and cyber crime with this challenging quiz!

1. What term describes a malicious attack where the perpetrator sends an overwhelming amount of traffic to a target system, causing it to slow down or become unresponsive?

SQL Injection

2. Which of the following best defines 'Phishing'?

A type of social engineering attack where attackers impersonate legitimate entities to steal sensitive information.
Infiltrating a system to gain unauthorized access to data.
Injecting malicious code into a web application.
Intercepting and altering communication between two parties.

3. What does 'Ransomware' do?

Monitors your network traffic.
Encrypts your files and demands payment.
Deletes your system's files permanently.
Steals passwords and login credentials.

4. Which type of cyber attack exploits vulnerabilities in SQL queries?

Cross-Site Scripting
SQL Injection
Brute Force

5. What does 'APT' stand for in cyber security terms?

Advanced Persistent Threat
Application Penetration Test
Automated Privacy Tool
Anonymous Proxy Tunneling

6. Which of these is a method used to protect against SQL Injection?

Hashing passwords
Using parameterized queries
Encrypting communication channels
Installing antivirus software

7. Which cyber attack intercepts and potentially alters data between two parties without their knowledge?

Trojan Horse

8. Which of the following is an example of cyber terrorism?

Hacking into a local business's website for fun.
Spreading ransomware to individual users.
Launching a cyber attack to disrupt critical national infrastructure.
Sending spam emails to millions of users.

9. What is the primary goal of most cyber criminals?

Financial gain
Political protest

10. What does it mean when a cyber threat is described as a 'Zero-Day' exploit?

It targets vulnerabilities that were discovered and patched months ago.
It attacks systems with outdated operating systems.
It exploits a previously unknown vulnerability that has no patch available.
A type of attack that repeats on the same day every month.

11. Which type of malware disguises itself as useful or harmless software?

Trojan Horse

12. Which practice is commonly used to prevent cyber attacks in wireless networks?

Disabling wireless encryption
Using complex passwords
Sharing passwords widely
Ignoring software updates

13. What is a 'Botnet'?

A network of computers infected with malware and controlled as a group.
Software that tracks and mines cryptocurrency.
A single device used to launch phishing attacks.
A type of firewall used in corporate environments.

14. Which organization is most likely to handle unclassified cyber threat information exchange between the public and private sectors?

ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Center)
World Health Organization

15. Which of the following can be classified as cyber crime?

Sending unsolicited emails without malicious intent.
Performing a lawful penetration test after obtaining necessary permissions.
Distributing malware aimed at financial gain.
Using strong, unique passwords for each online account.