Which Deftones Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/6/2024



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Discover the perfect Deftones track to soundtrack your current vibe. Answer a series of questions about your feelings, life, and musical tastes to find the song that resonates with you.

Discover the perfect Deftones track to soundtrack your current vibe. Answer a series of questions about your feelings, life, and musical tastes to find the song that resonates with you.

1. How are you feeling right now?

Sad and empty
Calm and introspective
Happy and nostalgic

2. What's your current life situation?

Celebrating a milestone
Dealing with stress at work
Feeling lost and aimless
Going through a breakup

3. Which musical element do you enjoy the most?

Dreamy and ethereal soundscapes
Introspective and reflective lyrics
Heavy guitar riffs
A mix of electronic and rock elements

4. What's your current energy level?

High energy
Low energy
Changing throughout the day
Moderate energy

5. How do you deal with stress?

Talking to friends and family
Using creative outlets
Seeking solitude and reflection
Channeling it into physical activity

6. What's your ideal listening environment?

During a late-night reflection
Relaxing at home
On a long drive
While working out or playing sports

7. How do you usually feel about love and relationships?

It feels empty and challenging
It's a rollercoaster of emotions
It's a beautiful journey
It's complicated

8. How often do you reminisce on past memories?

Occasionally, when I'm feeling down
Never, the past is the past
Rarely, I live in the moment
Often, I love reminiscing

9. When faced with a problem, how do you feel?

Overwhelmed and lost
Adaptable and proactive
Calm and analytical
Frustrated and combative

10. What is your relationship with dreams and aspirations?

Feeling disconnected from them
Enjoying the journey
Actively chasing them
Reflecting on them often

11. How often do you feel a need for escapism?

Rarely, I face things head-on
Sometimes, it depends
Never, I'm always present

12. How do you feel about abstract and symbolic lyrics?

Depends on the mood
They're okay, sometimes confusing
Love them, they let me interpret
Prefer clear and straightforward lyrics

13. How do you respond to dark or heavy themes?

I prefer to avoid them
I'm neutral about them
Intriguing, but I have my limits
I enjoy exploring them