Which Law and Order: SVU Character Are You?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/28/2024



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Ever wondered which detective or prosecutor from Law and Order: SVU you most resemble? This quiz will delve into your investigative methods, core values, and personality traits to match you with a character from the show.

Ever wondered which detective or prosecutor from Law and Order: SVU you most resemble? This quiz will delve into your investigative methods, core values, and personality traits to match you with a character from the show.

1. You have a suspect in the interrogation room. How do you approach the interrogation?

I present the hard evidence and let the facts speak for themselves.
I use a direct and intense approach to break them down.
I build rapport and connect emotionally to get them talking.
I rely on my extensive knowledge and experience to outsmart them.

2. How do you prefer to work on cases?

I prefer a balanced mix of teamwork and independent work.
I prefer analyzing data and working behind the scenes.
I like to handle things on my own to maintain control.
I thrive working as part of a close-knit team.

3. How do you react to stressful situations?

I withdraw and prefer to analyze the situation from a distance.
I use humor and wit to diffuse the tension.
I stay calm and composed, assessing the situation carefully.
I channel my stress into intense focus and action.

4. When faced with a moral dilemma, what guides your decision?

My strict adherence to the law and regulations.
My gut instincts and emotional responses.
My analytical reasoning and logical thought process.
My compassion and desire to help the victim.

5. What's your approach to solving crimes?

I leverage my experience and street knowledge.
I use a methodical and scientific approach.
I rely on my instincts and gut feelings.
I seek collaboration and input from my team.

6. What drives your sense of justice?

A relentless pursuit of truth and fairness.
A strong moral compass and sense of duty.
A need to right the wrongs I’ve witnessed or experienced.
A deep personal commitment to protect the vulnerable.

7. How do you handle conflicts within the team?

I mediate and ensure everyone is heard.
I use humor to defuse the tension.
I confront the issue head-on and resolve it quickly.
I avoid conflict and focus on the task at hand.

8. A case involves a corrupt official with strong ties. How do you approach it?

I use my connections and influence to build a solid case.
I gather as much evidence as possible before making a move.
I expose the corruption no matter the consequences.
I proceed with caution, weighing the risks and rewards.

9. How do you balance work and personal life?

Work is my life; it defines who I am.
I make sure to prioritize personal time to avoid burnout.
My work often takes precedence, but I try to maintain connections.
I compartmentalize and keep work separate from personal matters.

10. Which quality do you believe is most important in a law enforcement officer?

Compassion for victims.
Sharp investigative skills.
Unyielding determination.
Methodical and detailed approach.

11. You're given a lead with little evidence. What's your next step?

I pursue the lead cautiously and gather more information.
I cross-reference the lead with existing data and reports.
I consult with my team to brainstorm ideas.
I follow the lead aggressively, hoping for a breakthrough.

12. How do you keep up with the latest developments in crime-solving technology?

I rely on others to introduce me to new developments.
I stay updated on the latest tools and techniques.
I use a mix of both old and new techniques depending on the case.
I prefer traditional methods that have proven effective.

13. How do you deal with cases that are particularly troubling or disturbing?

I keep my emotions in check and focus on the facts.
I lean on my colleagues for support and advice.
I use humor to lighten the mood and maintain perspective.
I remain calm and focused, using my experience to guide me.