Are You More of a Hero or a Villain?


Created 6/30/2024



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Find out if you possess the heart of a hero or the cunning of a villain! Take this quiz to discover whether you lean towards being a force for good or a master of mischief.

Find out if you possess the heart of a hero or the cunning of a villain! Take this quiz to discover whether you lean towards being a force for good or a master of mischief.

1. When faced with a moral dilemma, what do you prioritize the most?


2. How do you react if someone betrays your trust?

Try to understand their reasons
Plot your revenge
Cut them out of your life
Find a way to use the betrayal to your advantage

3. What would you do if you found a wallet full of cash on the street?

Return it to its owner
Keep the money
Donate it to charity
Use it to further your own goals

4. How do you deal with failure?

Reflect and try again
Blame others
Learn and move on
Use it as motivation for the next attempt

5. What's more important to you in a conflict?


6. Which phrase best describes your leadership style?

Lead by example
Rule with an iron fist
Seek consensus
Manipulate behind the scenes

7. How do you view the rules in society?

Guidelines to be followed
Restrictions to be challenged
Necessary for order
Tools to manipulate for personal gain

8. What's your main motivation in life?

Helping others
Achieving personal goals
Finding peace
Gaining power and control

9. How do you react when you see injustice happening?

Intervene and help
Use it to your advantage
Feel empathy but do nothing
Feel angry and plot against the perpetrators

10. What's your outlook on the concept of redemption?

Everyone deserves a second chance
Some people are beyond saving
Redemption is a personal journey
Use redemption as a tool for manipulation