How Stoic Are You? Quiz

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Created 6/18/2024



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Discover your level of stoicism with this insightful quiz!

Discover your level of stoicism with this insightful quiz!

1. How do you react to unexpected bad news?

I remain calm and assess the situation logically.
I become anxious and overwhelmed.
I look for someone to blame.
I ignore it and hope it resolves itself.

2. How do you handle praise or compliments?

I stay humble and accept it graciously.
I feel uncomfortable and downplay it.
I revel in it and seek more.
I question the sincerity of the compliment.

3. When someone criticizes you, what is your first reaction?

I consider their feedback thoughtfully.
I feel defensive and argue back.
I get upset and take it personally.
I dismiss their criticism entirely.

4. How do you view material wealth?

As indifferent, focusing more on virtue.
As a necessary part of happiness.
As a measure of success.
As something to avoid altogether.

5. What is your approach to achieving goals?

I work steadily and rationally towards them.
I become obsessed and stressed.
I'm easily discouraged if I face obstacles.
I procrastinate and hope things work out.

6. How do you practice self-control?

Through constant practice and self-reminder.
By setting strict rules for myself.
I struggle with maintaining self-control.
I don't believe it's important.

7. How do you handle emotions like anger or jealousy?

I aim to understand and dissipate them rationally.
I try to suppress them.
I often act on them impulsively.
I see them as unavoidable parts of life.

8. How do you view the concept of fate or destiny?

I accept it and adapt my will accordingly.
I believe I can control my destiny.
I feel anxious about the uncertainty of the future.
I don't believe in fate or destiny.

9. In moments of joy, how do you feel?

Uplifted but aware of its transience.
Overwhelmed with happiness.
Suspicious that it won't last.
Indifferent, joy isn't important.

10. How do you deal with loss or failure?

I accept it as a part of life and learn from it.
I dwell on it and feel defeated.
I try to avoid thinking about it.
I blame others or external factors.

11. How important are external events to your inner peace?

Not very, I focus on my internal reactions.
Very important, they greatly affect me.
Somewhat, but I try to maintain balance.
I struggle to separate the two.

12. How do you approach interpersonal relationships?

With calm and equal regard for all individuals.
With caution, fearing conflict.
With high expectations and demands.
With indifference, avoiding deep connections.

13. What is your view on personal virtues like courage and honesty?

They are essential and guide my actions.
They are good, but not strictly necessary.
They are secondary to achieving success.
They are overrated and idealistic.

14. When contemplating death, how do you feel?

At peace, accepting it as natural.
Fearful and anxious.
Avoidant of the thought altogether.
Curious but detached.

15. How do you manage desires and aversions?

By practicing moderation and rational thinking.
I often struggle to control them.
I indulge them freely.
I try to suppress them completely.

16. What role does nature play in your life philosophy?

It serves as a guide for living virtuously.
It's a source of beauty and inspiration.
It's indifferent and doesn't influence me.
It's chaotic and to be controlled.

17. How do you respond to random acts of kindness from others?

With gratitude and equal kindness.
With suspicion and skepticism.
With indifference.
With a sense of obligation to repay.

18. When facing moral dilemmas, what guides your decision?

Alignment with natural law and virtue.
What feels right in the moment.
What benefits me the most.
Avoidance of conflict.

19. How do you handle feelings of envy or jealousy?

By examining and correcting my judgments.
By suppressing or ignoring them.
By competing to achieve more.
By feeling demotivated.

20. What is your attitude towards self-improvement?

A continuous, lifelong practice.
An occasional effort.
Unnecessary, I'm fine as I am.
A burdensome task.