Find Your Broadway Anthem: What Song Matches Your Mood?

Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 7/31/2024



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Broadway songs have a unique power to capture every imaginable mood. Whether you're feeling joyous, heartbroken, or invincible, there's a Broadway tune that perfectly aligns with how you feel. Take this quiz to discover which Broadway song best matches your current mood and why it resonates with you!

Broadway songs have a unique power to capture every imaginable mood. Whether you're feeling joyous, heartbroken, or invincible, there's a Broadway tune that perfectly aligns with how you feel. Take this quiz to discover which Broadway song best matches your current mood and why it resonates with you!

1. How are you feeling right now?

I'm on top of the world!
I'm facing some challenges.
I'm feeling nostalgic.
I'm feeling very peaceful.

2. What recent experiences have you had?

I've been dealing with some disappointments.
I've just accomplished a big goal.
I've had some reflective moments.
I've been reminiscing about the past.

3. What is your preferred musical style?

Slow and emotional ballads.
Up-tempo and upbeat songs.
Classic Broadway tunes.
Contemporary Broadway hits.

4. What is your current energy level?

High energy, ready to go!
Low energy, feeling calm.
Drained, need a boost.
Moderate energy, feeling balanced.

5. What are some of your favorite Broadway shows?

Hamilton, Rent, Wicked
Company, Into the Woods, Sweeney Todd
The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Hello, Dolly!
Spamalot, Little Shop of Horrors, Beautiful

6. Do you have any emotional triggers that affect you deeply?

Songs about personal growth and empowerment.
Songs about overcoming obstacles.
Songs that are purely joyous and celebratory.
Songs about loss or longing.

7. What's your ideal way to spend a weekend?

Outdoor activities and adventures.
Catching up on movies or theater shows.
Spending time with friends in celebration.
Reflecting and journaling alone.

8. What is your dream role in a musical?

A deeply emotional and complex character.
A fun and carefree comic relief.
A bold and inspiring hero.
A character who faces and overcomes great challenges.

9. What is your preferred genre of theater?

Classic theater.
Musical theater.

10. What type of storyline do you enjoy most in musicals?

Overcoming personal adversities.
Triumphant success stories.
Romantic tales.
Adventures of self-discovery.

11. What activities lift your mood?

Dancing and singing.
Listening to motivational talks or reading.
Spending time in nature.
Spending time with loved ones.

12. Do you have a personal mantra or favorite quotation?

"Live, love, laugh."
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"The best is yet to come."
"To thine own self be true."

13. How do you usually handle stress?

I dive into activities and hobbies.
I stay positive and keep moving forward.
I take some time to reflect and process.
I lean on friends and family for support.