How Well Do You Know Windsor, Ontario?


Idyllic via DISCORD

Idyllic via DISCORD

Created 8/15/2024



Q & A

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Discover how much you really know about Windsor, Ontario! From historic landmarks to vibrant cultural events, this quiz will test your knowledge of the city's unique heritage and must-see locations.

Discover how much you really know about Windsor, Ontario! From historic landmarks to vibrant cultural events, this quiz will test your knowledge of the city's unique heritage and must-see locations.

1. Windsor, Ontario is known for having the oldest automotive manufacturing plant in Canada. What is its name?

Ford Motor Company
Chrysler Canada
Toyota Canada
General Motors

2. What iconic structure connects Windsor, Ontario with Detroit, Michigan?

Blue Water Bridge
Ambassador Bridge
Rainbow Bridge
Peace Bridge

3. Which famous cultural event takes place annually in Windsor and involves both Windsor and Detroit?

Great Lakes Art Fair
Cross-Border Cultural Fest
Detroit-Windsor International Film Festival
Windsor-Detroit Jazz Festival

4. Which historic park houses the Gatehouse that serves as the Cultural Affairs Office in Windsor?

Malden Park
Mic Mac Park
Jackson Park
Willistead Park

5. What festival celebrates Windsor's rich multicultural heritage and includes performances and cuisine?

Unity in Diversity
Taste of Windsor
Carrousel of Nations
Global Culture Fest

6. Who served as Windsor's Poet Laureate and contributed to the city's literary scene?

Marty Gervais
Dorothy Mahoney
Mary Ann Mulhern
Peter Hrastovec

7. Which museum in Windsor specifically focuses on the city's history and heritage?

Museum Windsor
Art Gallery of Windsor
Canadian Transportation Museum
Chimczuk Museum

8. What is the name of the Windsor landmark that features many large contemporary sculptures from international artists?

Windsor Gardens
Windsor Sculpture Park
Windsor Art Park
International Sculpture Park

9. Which annual event in Windsor features airshows and historic aircraft displays?

Windsor International Air Show
Aviation Expo
Heritage Airfest
SkyFest Canada

10. Which prominent street in Windsor is famous for its vibrant eateries and nightlife?

Riverside Drive
Tecumseh Road
Erie Street
Ouellette Avenue

11. What is the name of the annual event that features films, workshops, and guest speakers in Windsor?

Windsor International Film Festival
Film Fest Windsor
Windsor Creative Expo
Windsor Lit Fest

12. Which historic hall serves as a cultural and community hub in Windsor?

Chrysler Theatre
St. Clair Centre for the Arts
Mackenzie Hall
Capitol Theatre