Uncover the Mysteries of Morgana: Take the Ultimate Lore Quiz!

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Created 6/17/2024



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Do you think you know everything about Morgana, the enigmatic champion of League of Legends? Test your knowledge and dive deep into the lore with this challenging quiz!

Do you think you know everything about Morgana, the enigmatic champion of League of Legends? Test your knowledge and dive deep into the lore with this challenging quiz!

1. What is Morgana's role when compared to her sister Kayle?

Blind Justice
Evil Twin
Compassionate Justice
Neutral Spectator

2. What led to Morgana and Kayle's relationship souring?

A disagreement about rules
The death of their father
A fight over celestial power
Kayle's anger at Morgana

3. What unique ability allows Morgana to see and show past events?

Energy Projection

4. How does Morgana's dark fire magic affect those she ensnares with her chains?

They are immobilized
They are set on fire
They experience immense pain
They are healed

5. Why did Morgana chain her wings together?

As a reminder of her humanity
To prevent her from flying
To hide her celestial nature
To appear more mortal

6. Where does Morgana currently reside?

The peaks of Mount Targon
The Sacred Woods outside of Demacia
The Demacian Temple
The Shadow Isles

7. What alias is Morgana also known by?

The Fallen
The Enigma
Mistress of Shadows
The Veiled One

8. What event triggered Morgana's association with the Veiled Lady?

A battle with Kayle
An ancient prophecy
Saving herself from her celestial powers
Being ripped from her kind during a conflict

9. Whom does Morgana hear praying to her?

Her mother, Mihira
Her sister, Kayle
Solari warriors

10. What do most Demacians believe about the Winged Protectors?

They are both male
Only Kayle exists
They are mythical
Both are fallen

11. Who did Morgana save in her sanctuary?

A Demacian noble
A Lunari child
A Solari warrior

12. What does Morgana believe is necessary for true reform of criminals?

Physical punishment
Public humiliation
Feeling pain and suffering inflicted on others
Solitary confinement

13. Morgana's left-handedness is a contrast to Kayle's right-handedness. Historically, what is left-handedness associated with?

Goodness and light
Darkness and sinfulness
Justice and fairness

14. What power allows Morgana to hear those who pray to her or her sister?

Force-Field Generation
Energy Projection
Life-Force Absorption

15. Why was Morgana's celestial power corrupted originally?

She rejected it
She was attacked by Kayle
Her mother's influence
An ancient curse

16. What significant item did Morgana find beneath Targon?

A magical staff
A white feather
A celestial stone
A prophetic scroll

17. What does Morgana use to heal herself?

Celestial energy
Dark fire
Life-force absorption

18. Morgana is referred to as 'The Veiled Lady' due to:

Her appearance
Her celestial powers
Her actions in guiding souls
Her battle history with Kayle

19. Why does Morgana bind and stop someone with her magic?

To steal their powers
To make them feel her pain
To punish them for eternity
To empathize with them

20. What weapon did Morgana bind her wings with as a symbol?

Silver ropes
Iron chains
Golden rings
Steel bands